July 9, 2001 NOTICE OF OPPORTUNITY TO COMMENT NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING (Wednesday, July 25, 2001) RE: Docket No. UE-992027 and UG-992028 Puget Sound Energy 2000-2001 Electric and Gas Least Cost Plan The Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (WUTC) will hold a special public meeting on Wednesday, July 25, 2001, to review the electric and natural gas least cost plans of Puget Sound Energy, Inc. (PSE). A least cost plan describes the mix of generation and supply resources and efficiency improvements that will meet both the current and future energy demands at the lowest cost to the utility and its ratepayers. The public is invited to comment on PSE’s least cost plans at a Special Meeting of the Commission to be held on Wednesday, July 25, 2001 at 1:30 pm. The meeting will be held in the main hearing room (Room 206) at the Commission offices in Olympia, Washington. PSE representatives will present the plans to the members of the Commission and will respond to questions from the Commissioners and the public. A copy of each plan is on file in the library of the WUTC office in Olympia. Requests for copies of the plans should be directed to the Company at (425) 462-3064. Questions regarding the plans and the Special Meeting may be addressed to Commission staff person Hank McIntosh at (360) 664-1309. The Commission will also accept written comments on the least cost plans, in addition to the oral comment opportunity at the public meeting. Written comments should be submitted no later than noon on the date of the public meeting, in writing and, if possible, in electronic format. Electronic format should be on 3½ inch IBM formatted high-density disk or in an e-mail attachment, in .pdf format and Microsoft Word 97 or WordPerfect 6.1 or higher, labeled with the docket number of this proceeding and the commenter’s name and type of software used. All comments should contain docket number UE-992027 as well as the commenter’s name and address. The Least Cost Plan is a product of Puget Sound Energy (PSE), filed under requirements of WAC 480-100-251. Information about the Commission and its process can be found on the internet at http://www.wutc.wa.gov and further information may be obtained from the Commission Records center at (360)664-1234 or at the e-mail address records@wutc.wa.gov. When inquiring about the subject of this Notice, please refer to Docket No. UE-992027. Sincerely, CAROLE J. WASHBURN Secretary