Agenda Date: January 27, 1999 Item Number: Docket: UT-990022 Company Name: U S WEST Communications, Inc. Staff: David Dittemore, Engineer Glenn Blackmon, Assistant Director - Telecommunications Jeff Payne, Regulatory Consultant Recommendation: Direct the Secretary to sign an order issuing a complaint and order suspending the Request for Competitive Classification for High Capacity Circuits, within the Greater Seattle, Vancouver and Spokane areas, filed by U S WEST Communications in Docket UT-990022, setting the matter for hearing, and directing the Company to notify all affected customers. Discussion: On January 8, 1999, U S WEST Communications, Inc., (U S WEST) filed a Request for Competitive Classification for High Capacity Circuits in the Greater Seattle, Vancouver, and Spokane areas. U S WEST contends that these services, which include T-1 and DS-3 circuits used by businesses, Internet service providers, and long distance companies, are offered by other, competing providers and that U S WEST no longer has a captive customer base. RCW 80.36.330 authorizes the Commission to “classify a telecommunications service provided by a telecommunications company as a competitive telecommunications service” if it finds that the service is “subject to effective competition.” The statute defines “effective competition” to mean that “customers of the service have reasonably available alternatives and that the service is not provided to a significant captive customer base.” In determining whether a particular service is a competitive service, the Commission should consider, among other factors, the following: (1) the number and size of alternative providers of services; (2) the extent to which services are available from alternative providers in the relevant market; (3) the ability of alternative providers to make functionally equivalent or substitute services readily available at competitive rates, terms, and conditions; and (4) other indicators of market power, which may include market share, growth in market share, ease of entry, and the affiliation of providers of services. Docket UT-990022 January 27, 1999 Page 1 U S WEST has provided a study that provides some background information about the current market. However, more complete information is needed to draw conclusions about the competitive state of the market, since retail, wholesale, and transport services are intertwined in the market. It may be that, within the broad category of "high capacity services," there are some services that are subject to effective competition but other services that have captive customers. TRACER, an association of large business customers who use the services at issue in this filing, has asked that the Commission suspend the filing and set it for hearing. The Commission must act on the request by July 8, 1999. This will require that the Commission establish an expedited schedule for testimony, hearings, and briefs. WAC 480-120-022 states that the Commission may require a company to notify its customers that it has made a request for competitive classification. Staff believes that such notice is appropriate in this case. Staff recommends that the company be ordered to provide notice to all customers who currently use the services that would be affected by this filing and that the company be directed to work with Staff on the form and content of this notice. Conclusion: Staff recommends that the Commission issue a complaint and order suspending the Company’s request for Competitive Classification in Docket UT-990022.