Agenda Date: March 10, 1999 Item Number: Docket: UW-981517 Company Name: Gamble Bay Water, Inc. Staff: Jim Ward, Revenue Requirements Specialist Penny Hansen, Public Involvement Coordinator Recommendation: Issue an Order Dismissing Complaint and Order Suspending Tariff Revision in Docket UW-981517, filed by Gamble Bay Water, Inc., and Approving Tariff Revision. Discussion: On November 30, 1998, Gamble Bay Water, Inc., (Gamble Bay) filed with the Commission a tariff revision to update its service area definition and number of service areas. Gamble Bay serves approximately 250 customers located on 13 water systems on Bainbridge Island and near Poulsbo. On December 23,1998, the Commission suspended the filing. This tariff revision defines Gamble Bay’s Commission Service Areas to consist of all present customers. This definition is consistent with Commission Service Area as defined in WAC 480-110-021 (6). Any potential new hookups are considered outside the service area and will pay additional fees (facilities and service connection charges) stated elsewhere in the company’s tariff. New connections to any Gamble Bay water system will become part of its commission service area upon payment of all tariffed fees or charges and physical connection to any Gamble Bay water system as listed in the tariff. The update lists separately the water systems of Northwood (DOH ID# 62100E) and Pinewood (DOH ID# 45507P) and adds the following water systems: Johanson Water Kitsap County DOH ID# 36782F Piper Water Kitsap County DOH ID# 00887P Rimrock Water Snohomish County DOH ID# 01916K Customer notice was not provided for this rate filing as no changes in rates are applied. Staff recommends that the Commission Issue an Order Dismissing Complaint and Order Suspending Tariff Revision in Docket UW-981517, filed by Gamble Bay Water, Inc., and Approving Tariff Revision.