Agenda Date: March 24, 1999 Item Number: Docket: U-971835 Administrative - General Staff: Jo Wadsworth, Year 2000 Project Coordinator Gene Eckhardt, Asst. Director, Water and Transportation Recommendation: Direct the Executive Secretary to sign a Memorandum of Understanding between the Commission and the Department of Health (DOH) to have the DOH coordinate Year 2000 issues for all water systems regulated by both agencies. Discussion: The Commission opened Docket U-971835 to address Year 2000 issues with all regulated utilities. The Commission’s Year 2000 Steering Committee expressed in the May 27, 1998, memorandum to the Commissioners stated that water companies (and other regulated companies) are not expected to directly experience network related problems and the team would focus on the most basic and critical utility functions related to the continuing ability of the power grid, telecommunications networks and natural gas lines. Subsequently, the Commission issued two orders, requiring electric, gas, and telecommunications utilities to report to the Commission on a quarterly basis using uniform and consistent formats and to submit contingency plans by June 30, 1999. In water, the Commission regulates less than 4% of the water systems that provide services to customers in Washington. The Department of Health has authority and responsibility for water quantity and water quality for all water systems. The Commission has a Memorandum of Understanding with the Department of Health, Water Program to coordinate agency efforts. The Memorandum of Understanding states the Department of Health is the lead agency for all water systems in the areas of water quantity and water quality. This proposed Memorandum of Understanding identifies Year 2000 issues specifically for coordination with the Department of Health and the Commission and states the Department of Health is the lead agency for sending information and follow-up requests to all water systems operating in this State. The Department of Health will: _Send letters directing water systems to make Year 2000 plans and take the necessary steps to correct and prepare all internal systems and connections, Docket U-971835 March 24, 1999 Page 1 _Require all Commission regulated water systems (and others) to send a written affirmation of assurance regarding Year 2000 plans and readiness to the Department of Health, _Send these affirmations to the Commission for compilation and posting for public information, and, _Provide follow-up actions to the initial letter to ensure that water systems send back the affirmations. This is a different approach than the Commission has taken with the electric, gas, and telecommunication utilities but it would provide for a uniform approach by two state agencies for all water systems in Washington and it would give the Commission information for the public regarding the affirmation of assurances provided by the Commission regulated water systems for Year 2000 plans and readiness. Therefore, the staff recommends that the Commission direct the Executive Secretary to sign the Memorandum of Understanding. Attachment