00014 1 BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION 2 COMMISSION 3 In the Matter of the Pricing ) Proceeding for Interconnection, )DOCKET NO. UT-960369 4 Unbundled Elements, Transport and ) Termination, and Resale ) 5 -----------------------------------) ) 6 In the Matter of the Pricing ) Proceeding for Interconnection, )DOCKET NO. UT-960370 7 Unbundled Elements, Transport and ) Termination, and Resale for ) 8 U S WEST COMMUNICATIONS, INC. ) -----------------------------------) 9 ) In the Matter of the Pricing ) 10 Proceeding for Interconnection, )DOCKET NO. UT-960371 Unbundled Elements, Transport and ) 11 Termination, and Resale for ) VOLUME 2 GTE NORTHWEST INCORPORATED ) Pages 14 - 23 12 -----------------------------------) 13 14 A pre-hearing conference in the above matter 15 was held at 8:30 a.m. on January 24, 1997, at 1300 16 South Evergreen Park Drive Southwest, Olympia, 17 Washington before Administrative Law Judge TERRENCE 18 STAPLETON. 19 20 The parties were present as follows: 21 GTE NORTHWEST INCORPORATED by RICHARD E. POTTER, Associate General Counsel, 1800 41st Street, 22 (5LE) Everett, Washington 98201. 23 SPRINT COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY LP and SPRINT CORPORATION by CAROL MATCHETT, Attorney at Law, 1850 24 Gateway Drive, Seventh Floor, San Mateo, California 94404-2467. 25 Cheryl Macdonald, Court Reporter 00015 1 APPEARANCES (Cont'd.) 2 U S WEST COMMUNICATIONS, INC., by LISA ANDERL, Corporate Counsel, 1600 Bell Plaza, Room 3206, 3 Seattle, Washington 98181. 4 AT&T COMMUNICATIONS, by SUSAN D. PROCTOR, Attorney at Law, 1875 Lawrence Street, Suite 1575, 5 Denver, Colorado 80202. 6 MCI COMMUNICATIONS, MCI METRO, TELECOMMUNICATIONS RESELLERS ASSOCIATION, and 7 WORLDCOM, INC., by BROOKDS HARLOW, Attorney at Law, 4400 Two Union Square, 601 Union Street, Seattle, 8 Washington 98101 and ROGELIO PENA, Senior Attorney, 707 17th Street, Suite 3600, Denver, Colorado 80202. 9 TCG SEATTLE and NEXTLINK WASHINGTON, LLC, 10 (via telephone), by GREGORY J. KOPTA, Attorney at Law, 2600 Century Square, 1501 Fourth Avenue, Seattle, 11 Washington 98101. 12 TCG SEATTLE, by KAREN L. NOTSUND, Western Region Manager Regulatory Affairs, 201 No. Civic 13 Drive, Suite 210, Walnut Creek, California 94596. 14 SHARED COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE, INC., by ELIZABETH THOMAS, Attorney at Law, 5000 Columbia 15 Center, 701 Fifth Avenue, 98104-7078. 16 UNITED TELEPHONE COMPANY OF THE NORTHWEST and SPRINT CORPORATION by SETH LUBIN, General 17 Counsel/Secretary, 902 Wasco Street, Hood River, Oregon 97031. 18 WITA, by RICHARD A. FINNIGAN, Attorney at 19 Law, 2405 Evergreen Park Drive SW, Suite B-1, Olympia, Washington 98501. 20 THE PUBLIC, (via telephone), by ROBERT 21 MANIFOLD, Assistant Attorney General, 900 Fourth Avenue, Suite 2000, Seattle, Washington 98164. 22 MFS COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY, INC., and TST 23 TELECOM OF WASHINGTON, INC., (via telephone), by MORTON POSNER, Attorney at Law, 3000 K Street, 24 Washington D. C. 25 00016 1 APPEARANCES (Cont'd.) 2 TRACER, by JUDITH ENDEJAN, Attorney at Law, 601 Union Street, Suite 5450, Seattle, Washington 3 98101-2327. 4 THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION STAFF, by GREGORY J. 5 TRAUTMAN and SHANNON E. SMITH, Assistant Attorneys General, 1400 South Evergreen Park Drive Southwest, 6 Olympia, Washington 98504-0128. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 00017 1 P R O C E E D I N G S 2 JUDGE STAPLETON: Let's be on the record, 3 please. This is a pre-hearing conference in docket 4 Nos. UT-960369, 960370, 960371 before administrative 5 law judge Terrence Stapleton. Today's date is January 6 24, 1997. We're convened in Olympia, Washington. May 7 I ask the parties who are present, please, in the 8 hearing room to enter their appearance beginning with 9 my left. 10 MS. THOMAS: Elizabeth Thomas on behalf of 11 Shared Communications Service. Do you want my 12 address? 13 JUDGE STAPLETON: No, that's in the record. 14 MS. THOMAS: My address is Preston Gates 15 and Ellis, 5000 Columbia Center. 16 MR. MANIFOLD: Could the people speaking 17 use the microphone? 18 JUDGE STAPLETON: Liz, it won't be 19 necessary to -- we have your address in the record. I 20 just need to have your name and who you represent, 21 please. 22 MS. THOMAS: Representing Shared 23 Communications Services. 24 MR. LUBIN: Seth Lubin on behalf of United 25 Telephone Company of the Northwest and Sprint 00018 1 Corporation. 2 JUDGE STAPLETON: Is there anyone else in 3 that row? 4 MS. ENDEJAN: Judith Endejan for TRACER. 5 MR. HARLOW: Brooks Harlow for MCI. 6 MR. PENA: Rogelio Pena for MCI. 7 MS. PROCTOR: Susan Proctor on behalf of 8 AT&T. 9 MS. ANDERL: Lisa Anderl for U S WEST. 10 MR. FINNIGAN: Rick Finnigan for the 11 Washington Independent Telephone Association. 12 MR. POTTER: Richard Potter for GTE 13 Northwest. 14 MR. TRAUTMAN: Greg Trautman for Commission 15 staff. 16 JUDGE STAPLETON: And on the bridge line, 17 please, Mr. Posner. 18 MR. POSNER: Morton Posner on behalf of MFS 19 Telecommunications and TST Telecom Washington. 20 MR. KOPTA: Greg Kopta on behalf of TCG 21 Seattle and NextLink Washington. 22 MR. MANIFOLD: This is Robert Manifold on 23 behalf of public counsel. 24 JUDGE STAPLETON: Is there anyone else on 25 the bridge line? Thank you. All right. 00019 1 MS. MATCHETT: Your Honor, I failed to 2 state my appearance earlier. Carol Matchett on behalf 3 of Sprint Communications Company LP and Sprint 4 Corporation. 5 JUDGE STAPLETON: Thank you. I think I 6 would like to go off the record at this point and 7 discuss with the parties the reason for conducting 8 this morning's pre-hearing conference, and that is the 9 intention of AT&T to file the version 2.2.3 of the 10 Hatfield model, the timing of that, and the timing of 11 the parties' ability to explore that model with 12 representatives of AT&T with some significant 13 expertise in the model so that we have -- the parties 14 have the opportunity to learn more about the model and 15 its operation than was able to be presented to them 16 yesterday, and I need to know from Sprint, please, 17 the timing or the anticipated timing of the 18 availability of the BCPM model and your availability 19 of experts to discuss that with the parties. 20 The parties are reminded there's a February 21 21 initial filing date for testimony, and I do not 22 want the schedule to slip. It's already a little more 23 protracted than I had hoped for in this proceeding, 24 and I want to know how the parties, AT&T and Sprint, 25 are going to handle making this model available and 00020 1 making experts available to discuss the parties' 2 questions regarding the model, so perhaps I should ask 3 AT&T to give us some indication of what they believe 4 the schedule may be and how they will handle making 5 themselves available to parties. 6 (Discussion off the record.) 7 (Recess.) 8 JUDGE STAPLETON: Let's be back on the 9 record. After a discussion of procedural matters 10 we've adopted a new schedule for this proceeding as 11 follows: Not later than February the 7th, AT&T, MCI 12 and United Northwest Sprint will make available to the 13 parties in this proceeding the actual cost models upon 14 which they will be relying for pricing in these 15 consolidated dockets. Not later than February the 16 14th -- I'm sorry, on February 14th a workshop will be 17 convened here in Olympia for purposes of AT&T, MCI and 18 United Sprint providing the necessary expert witnesses 19 on the two cost models filed on the 7th to respond to 20 questions and inquiries from the parties to this 21 proceeding. 22 Not later than February 21st, AT&T, MCI and 23 United Sprint will file supplemental testimony, and 24 this naturally, according to the rules, has to be 25 served on the parties at the same time it's served on 00021 1 the Commission. On the 21st, supplemental testimony 2 which describes the differences between the current 3 benchmark cost models and the Hatfield models and the 4 new models that are filed on the February 7th filing 5 date. 6 Initial testimony will be due on March 7 14th, rebuttal testimony will be due April 7th and 8 hearings will be held May 5 through the 9th. I'm 9 sorry, thank you. Rebuttal testimony will be due 10 April 11th. And evidentiary hearings will be held May 11 5 through May 9. 12 MR. POTTER: Mr. Stapleton? 13 JUDGE STAPLETON: Yes. 14 MR. POTTER: Richard Potter for GTE. Since 15 we had the prior discussion off the record I want to 16 briefly state at this point on the record that at this 17 point GTE believes that this schedule will not provide 18 the company adequate opportunity to fully review the 19 new models that the Commission will be considering. 20 MS. ANDERL: Your Honor, we may have the 21 same concern. We certainly need to see the models 22 before we can make that determination. We would like 23 to verify the requirement that GTE -- that AT&T make 24 those models available to us on the 7th means that we 25 receive them on the 7th in both electronic format and 00022 1 hard copy. 2 MS. PROCTOR: Of course we will make that 3 commitment. 4 JUDGE STAPLETON: Done. I appreciate the 5 concerns that Mr. Potter expressed about the schedule. 6 However, this schedule is somewhat expanded from the 7 original schedule and although the model is perhaps 8 different than what the company has been exposed to 9 from AT&T, MCI and in its whatever dealings with the 10 benchmark cost model, I do believe that with discovery 11 and with the expanded schedule and the requirements 12 that were put on the parties to file supplemental 13 testimony describing the changes to hold workshop and 14 have experts available, I think that the parties can 15 be well served by this schedule. 16 Anything else to come before us? 17 MS. NOTSUND: Karen Notsund for TCG. I 18 just want to clarify to that on the February 21st 19 supplemental testimony that that will also include the 20 Washington specific results. 21 JUDGE STAPLETON: Yes, it will. The models 22 will be run with assumptions and inputs using the 23 Washington specific data and the outputs presented to 24 the parties in that form. Thank you for that 25 clarification. 00023 1 MS. ENDEJAN: Your Honor, Judy Endejan for 2 TRACER. What would be the new date for the filing of 3 the post hearing briefs? 4 JUDGE STAPLETON: Does anyone feel post 5 hearing briefs are still necessary? 6 MS. PROCTOR: Let's just do closing 7 arguments. 8 JUDGE STAPLETON: Thank you for bringing 9 that up, Ms. Endejan. Obviously I overlooked the 10 brief date. Briefs will be due on Monday, June 2nd. 11 Anything else? 12 MR. FINNIGAN: One minor clarification. As 13 I understand it when we talk about Washington specific 14 information to be available on February 21, that's for 15 U S WEST and GTE data? 16 MS. PROCTOR: Those are the only companies 17 that filed ARMIS data. 18 MR. FINNIGAN: Thank you. 19 JUDGE STAPLETON: Thank you. Let's be off 20 the record. 21 (Hearing adjourned at 9:40 a.m.) 22 23 24 25