00555 1 BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND 2 TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION 3 4 In the Matter of the Pricing ) Docket No. UT-960369 Proceeding for Interconnection,) Phase II 5 Unbundled Elements, Transport ) Volume III and Termination, and Resale ) Pages 555-877 6 _______________________________) In the Matter of the Pricing ) Docket No. UT-960370 7 Proceeding for Interconnection,) Unbundled Elements, Transport ) 8 and Termination, and Resale ) for US WEST COMMUNICATIONS, ) 9 INC. ) _______________________________) 10 In the Matter of the Pricing )Docket No. UT-960371 Proceeding for Interconnection,) 11 Unbundled Elements, Transport ) and Termination, and Resale ) 12 for GTE NORTHWEST, ) INCORPORATED. ) 13 _______________________________) 14 15 A hearing in the above matter was 16 held on October 17, 1998, at 9:08 a.m., at 1300 17 Evergreen Park Drive Southwest, Olympia, Washington, 18 before Administrative Law Judge KARL CRAINE and 19 CHAIRWOMAN ANNE LEVINSON and COMMISSIONERS WILLIAM R. 20 GILLIS and RICHARD HEMSTAD. 21 22 The parties were present as 23 follows: 24 AT&T, by Susan Proctor, Attorney at Law, 1875 Lawrence Street, Suite 1575, Denver, 25 Colorado, 80202. 00556 1 US WEST COMMUNICATIONS, INC., by Lisa A. Anderl, Attorney at Law, 1600 Seventh Avenue, 2 Room 3206, Seattle, Washington 98191. 3 THE COMMISSION, by Shannon Smith and Ann Rendahl, Assistant Attorneys General, P.O. 4 Box 40128, Olympia, Washington 98504-0128. 5 PUBLIC COUNSEL, by Robert Manifold, Attorney at Law, 900 Fourth Avenue, #2000, 6 Seattle, Washington 98164. 7 NEXTLINK WASHINGTON, TCG SEATTLE, and ELECTRIC LIGHTWAVE, INC., by Gregory J. Kopta, 8 2600 Century Square, 1501 Fourth Avenue, Seattle, Washington 98101-1688. 9 GTE, by Lewis Powell, Attorney at 10 Law, Hunton & Williams, 951 E. Byrd Street, Richmond, Virginia, 23219, and Christopher S. Huther, Attorney 11 at Law, Collier, Shannon, Rill & Scott, PLLC, 3050 K Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20007. 12 COVAD COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY, by 13 Prince Jenkins, Attorney at Law, 2330 Central Expressway, Santa Clara, California, 95050. 14 MCI WORLDCOM, by Rogelio Pena, 15 Attorney at Law, 707 17th Street, Suite 3600, Denver, Colorado, 80202. 16 TRACER, by Arthur A. Butler, 17 Attorney at Law, 601 Union Street, Suite 5450, Seattle, Washington 98101-2327. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Barbara L. Spurbeck, CSR 25 Court Reporter 00557 1 ____________________________________________________ 2 INDEX OF WITNESSES 3 ____________________________________________________ 4 WITNESS: PAGE: 5 MARK REYNOLDS 6 Direct Examination by Ms. Anderl 565 7 Cross-Examination by Ms. Smithl 582 8 Cross-Examination by Mr. Manifold 596 9 Cross-Examination by Ms. Proctor 603 10 Cross-Examination by Mr. Kopta 631 11 Cross-Examination by Mr. Butler 639 12 Examination by Dr. Gabel 644 13 Cross-Examination by Mr. Jenkins 668 14 Cross-Examination by Ms. Proctor 670 15 Cross-Examination by Mr. Butler 673 16 Redirect Examination by Ms. Anderl 673 17 Recross-Examination by Ms. Smith 678 18 Recross-Examination by Mr. Kopta 679 19 DR. THOMAS ZEPP 20 Direct Examination by Mr. Butler 687 21 Cross-Examination by Mr. Huther 689 22 Cross-Examination by Ms. Anderl 717 23 Cross-Examination by Ms. Smith 733 24 Cross-Examination by Mr. Manifold 744 25 Examination by Dr. Gabel 750 00558 1 Examination by Commissioner Gillis 769 2 Cross-Examination by Ms. Proctor 773 3 Redirect Examination by Mr. Butler 774 4 Recross-Examination by Mr. Huther 776 5 DR. GLENN BLACKMON 6 Direct Examination by Ms. Rendahl 780 7 Cross-Examination by Mr. Kopta 782 8 Cross-Examination by Mr. Butler 804 9 Cross-Examination by Mr. Proctor 818 10 Cross-Examination by Mr. Pena 825 11 Cross-Examination by Mr. Jenkins 831 12 Cross-Examination by Mr. Manifold 834 13 Cross-Examination by Mr. Powell 840 14 Cross-Examination by Ms. Anderl 848 15 Examination by Dr. Gabel 853 16 Recross-Examination by Ms. Anderl 870 17 Redirect Examination by Ms. Rendahl 871 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 00559 1 ____________________________________________________ 2 INDEX OF EXHIBITS 3 ____________________________________________________ 4 EXHIBIT: MARKED: OFFERED: ADMITTED: 5 Number 535-C541 561 567 682 6 Number 542 561 603 603 7 Number 543 561 630 630 8 Number 544 562 631 631 9 Number 545 562 631 631 10 Number 546 562 639 639 11 Number 547 680 688 688 12 Number 548 680 688 688 13 Number 549 680 688 688 14 Number 550 681 714 717 15 Number 551 681 714 717 16 Number 552 681 714 717 17 Number 553 778 782 782 18 Number 554 778 782 782 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 00560 1 JUDGE CRAINE: Let's go on the record. And 2 I'll rattle off here what we've got marked for Mr. 3 Reynolds. 4 MS. ANDERL: There are a couple fine tuning 5 adjustments to the exhibit list. We can go through 6 them right now, if you'd like, or -- 7 JUDGE CRAINE: Yeah, if we need to fine 8 tune the exhibit list, let's do it now. 9 MS. ANDERL: On the record or off? 10 JUDGE CRAINE: Well, what did you have in 11 mind? 12 MS. ANDERL: Nothing. Sometimes it gets a 13 little confusing with people talking over each other, 14 but I just wanted to make it clear that 15 two-wire/four-wire calculations, which is the last 16 identified exhibit, that was inadvertently 17 identified. That's already a