BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MCI Telecommunications Corporation and AT&T Communications of the Pacific Northwest, Inc., Complainants, vs. U S WEST Communications, Inc., GTE Northwest, Inc. and United Telephone Company of the Northwest, Respondents. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Docket No. UT-970658 U S WEST’s Submission of Supplemental Authority to Support its Right to Payphone Compensation Without Certification U S WEST Communications, Inc. (“U S WEST”), submits the following supplemental authority to contravene the assertion of MCI Telecommunications Corporation (“MCI”) and AT&T Communications of the Pacific Northwest, Inc. (“AT&T”) that state or federal certification is required before U S WEST is entitled to compensation for use of its payphones. 1. MCI and AT&T initiated this proceeding ostensibly to have the Commission determine whether U S WEST, among others, has removed any and all subsidies from its payphone service. Without such a determination from the Commission, MCI and AT&T asserted that U S WEST was not eligible for payphone compensation. In their Formal Complaint, AT&T and MCI requested the Commission to: Inform the FCC, based on the Commission’s review of the payphone requirements, whether U S WEST, GTE, and United are eligible or receive payphone compensation. (Formal Complaint and Petition for Declaratory Order to Remove Payphone Investment from Access Rates at 8). 2. U S WEST moved to dismiss the Formal Complaint on the grounds, among other things, that a finding by the Commission was not necessary to entitle U S WEST to payphone compensation. That is, U S WEST’s own certification to MCI and AT&T that payphone subsidies have been removed is sufficient. U S WEST’s motion to dismiss was denied. 3. Subsequent events have vindicated U S WEST’s position. After the hearings in this docket were held, on March 9, 1998, the FCC issued its Memorandum Decision and Order in Docket No. 96-128, which stated, in pertinent part: As required in the Payphone Orders and the Second Report and Order, absent a negotiated agreement, IXCs must pay per-call compensation of $0.284, for all calls they receive from payphones not otherwise compensated. Payments must be remitted at least on a quarterly basis. The payment for the October 1997 through December 31, 1997 period must be paid no later than April 1, 1998. LECs that have certified to the IXC that they comply with the requirements of the Payphone Order must receive per-call compensation. There are no state or federal certification requirements. (Memorandum Decision and Order, CC Docket No. 96-128 at ¶ 4) (emphasis added; pertinent portions attached). 4. It is beyond dispute that U S WEST has certified to both MCI and AT&T that it has met the requirements of the Payphone Orders. (See Testimony of Barbara Wilcox (Exh. T-38) at 30:11-17). Accordingly, U S WEST is entitled to receive payments from MCI and AT&T for its payphones on April 1, 1998. Moreover, MCI and AT&T’s contention that state certification is a necessary condition must be rejected. 5. U S WEST further notes that MCI and AT&T may still contest the existence of a subsidy for U S WEST’s payphone service as of the date of deregulation. No such subsidy exists; however, this question is entirely irrelevant to U S WEST’ s right to compensation. The subsidy issue will be addressed in U S WEST’s post-hearing briefs, which have been previously scheduled. Respectfully submitted on March 31, 1998. U S WEST Communications, Inc. By_____________________________ Peter J. Butler, Attorney Lisa A. Anderl, WSBA # 13236