Sean Messner ---03/13/2015 12:25:24 PM---Hi Terrel, One question that did come up is the timing for construction. Do you have an anticipated

Sean Messner <>
"Terrel A. Anderson" <TAANDERS@UP.COM>
"Hunter, Kathy (UTC)" <>
03/13/2015 12:25 PM
RE: Park Rd application to replace existing cantilever with flashing lights with gates  MP5.63  Spokane Valley DOT#662510F Spokane Sub

Hi Terrel,

One question that did come up is the timing for construction. Do you have an anticipated date for construction, and also a duration, in mind?

Thanks Terrel,

Sean Messner, P.E.

Phone: 509.720.5011

 Terrel A. Anderson [mailto:TAANDERS@UP.COM]
 Tuesday, March 10, 2015 10:32 AM
 Sean Messner
 Hunter, Kathy (UTC)
 Re: Park Rd application to replace existing cantilever with flashing lights with gates MP5.63 Spokane Valley DOT#662510F Spokane Sub


Sent from my iPhone

> On Mar 10, 2015, at 8:32 AM, "Sean Messner" <> wrote:
> Hi Terrel,
> I’m sorry for the delay, I sent it last week around for routing internally. I’ll follow-up with folks here and get that back to you. Just wanted to send you a follow-up message.
> Thanks Terrel,
> Sean
> From: Terrel A. Anderson [
> Sent: Monday, March 02, 2015 10:42 AM
> To: Sean Messner
> Cc: Hunter, Kathy (UTC)
> Subject: RE: Park Rd application to replace existing cantilever with flashing lights with gates MP5.63 Spokane Valley DOT#662510F Spokane Sub
> Sean
> Is the City OK with this request.
> If so could you please fill out Section 12 (Waiver of Hearing).
> Then I will submit to UTC
> Please advise
> Thanks
> Terrel  A. Anderson
> Manager Industry & Public Projects
> 9451 Atkinson St.
> Roseville CA. 95747
> Office: 916 789-5134
> Fax: 402 233-3066
> When Making a submittal to UPRR ensure that the following information is in the email subject or your plan will be rejected.
> Project type, % Plans, City, State, Street, RR Milepost, Subdivision, DOT#, and Lat/Long
> <M2.gif>
> <M3.gif>Sean Messner ---02/26/2015 03:51:06 PM---I'm sorry Kathy...I forgot to add the 'v' to the end of your email. Please see below and attached. T
> From: Sean Messner <>
> To: "Hunter, Kathy (UTC)" <>
> Cc: "
> Date: 02/26/2015 03:51 PM
> Subject: RE: Park Rd application to replace existing cantilever with flashing lights with gates  MP5.63  Spokane Valley DOT#662510F Spokane Sub
> I’m sorry Kathy…I forgot to add the ‘v’ to the end of your email. Please see below and attached.
> Thanks much,
> Sean
> Sean Messner, P.E.
> Phone: 509.720.5011
> From: Sean Messner
> Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2015 3:49 PM
> Cc: Steve Worley; Eric Guth; 'khunter@utc.wa.go'; ''; 'MASMITH3@UP.COM'
> Subject: RE: Park Rd application to replace existing cantilever with flashing lights with gates MP5.63 Spokane Valley DOT#662510F Spokane Sub
> Good Afternoon Terrel,
> Please find attached the updated UTC application for Park Road with the requested ADT, truck percentages, and school bus information.
> In coordinating with the school district for bus route information, they inquired if it would be possible to modify any of the train schedules, particularly between the hours of 7:40-9:00 AM and 2:40-3:45 PM. I mentioned to the district that any changes typically have a ‘ripple’ affect and often cannot be changed. With that said, I offered to ask the question…would it be possible to modify any of the train schedules between the timeframes listed?
> Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns about the information attached.
> Thanks much, your coordination is greatly appreciated,
> Sean
> Sean Messner, P.E.
> Phone: 509.720.5011
> From: Steve Worley
> Sent: Friday, February 13, 2015 1:33 PM
> To: Eric Guth; Sean Messner
> Subject: Fwd: Park Rd application to replace existing cantilever with flashing lights with gates MP5.63 Spokane Valley DOT#662510F Spokane Sub
> Steve
> Begin forwarded message:
> From: "Terrel A. Anderson" <
> Date: February 13, 2015 at 12:40:25 PM PST
> To: Steve Worley <>
> Cc: "Hunter, Kathy (UTC)" <>, "Curl, Paul (UTC)" <>, "Mike A. Smith" <MASMITH3@UP.COM>, City Hall <>
> Subject: Fw: Park Rd application to replace existing cantilever with flashing lights with gates  MP5.63  Spokane Valley DOT#662510F Spokane Sub
> Attached below is a UTC application for Park Rd located on the Spokane Sub at RRMP 5.63 DOT# 662510F in the City of Spokane Valley
> Please provide the current ADT, include CMF and school bus usage.
> If the City is OK with the application please have section 12 filed out and signed.
> Thanks
> At UPRR cost
> Existing is old set of Cantilevers with flashing lights ( no gates). Union Pacific would like to upgrade this crossing to flashing lights with gates and side lights then remove the old cantilevers.
> As this is a two lane Rd.  We feel that this would make the crossing safer for the motoring public and our maintenance personal.
> Please let me know if you need any additional information or if we need to have a on site visit.
> (See attached file: Park St UTC Petition UPRR - rev2.doc)(See attached file: FES plans.pdf)
> Terrel  A. Anderson
> Manager Industry & Public Projects
> 9451 Atkinson St.
> Roseville CA. 95747
> Office: 916 789-5134
> Fax: 402 233-3066
> When Making a submittal to UPRR ensure that the following information is in the email subject or your plan will be rejected.
> Project type, % Plans, City, State, Street, RR Milepost, Subdivision, DOT#, and Lat/Long(See attached file: Park St UTC Petition UPRR - rev2_SM.doc)
> **
> This email and any attachments may contain information that is confidential and/or privileged for the sole use of the intended recipient. Any use, review, disclosure, copying, distribution or reliance by others, and any forwarding of this email or its contents, without the express permission of the sender is strictly prohibited by law. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender immediately, delete the e-mail and destroy all copies.
> **


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(See attached file: Park St UTC Petition UPRR Signed.pdf)


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