BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION In the Matter of Qwest Corporation ) DOCKET UT-001953 Tariff Revision: Introduces ) A Custom Calling Feature ) ORDER REQUIRING NOTICE Called I-CALLED ) OF AVAILABILITY OF “I-CALLED” ) SERVICE ) ) ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) BACKGROUND On December 12, 2000, Qwest Corporation (Qwest) filed, under advise number 3183T, a tariff revision to add a custom calling feature called “I-CALLED” to its local exchange service. The I-CALLED service would intercept a customer's call if there were no answer after about six rings. The intercept message would offer the calling party an opportunity, for a charge, to leave his name and number for later delivery. If the calling party chose to accept the service, Qwest would attempt to deliver the information to the called party by returning the call periodically for up to four days or until the called party answers, whichever comes first. Qwest has filed this service as a banded rate of $0.25-$1.50, with the initial price at $0.95. Unlike most other custom calling features, I-CALLED is not a subscription service. I-CALLED would be automatically activated by Qwest in those areas where it offered the service. Existing local exchange customers would not be offered a choice as to whether or not they want the feature added to their service. While the tariff states that customers would have the option of disconnecting the service, customers would not be informed of this option absent the notification requirement required by this Order. Staff recommended that the Commission suspend this filing in order to investigate its effect on existing local exchange service. Staff stated that the I-CALLED feature could adversely effect customers' existing service and that, with no provision for notice to customers, customers would not be aware of their option to disconnect the feature. An additional reason raised by Staff is that the I-CALLED service may not comply with the Commission's rules on automatic dialing and announcement devices, WAC 480-120-088. This rule requires, among other things, that the recorded message on such a device identify the nature and length of the call and that the device provide a method to prevent dialing of unlisted telephone numbers. Staff believe that the I-CALLED feature should be investigated to determine whether it complies with this rule. Though the Commission opted to allow the tariff revision to go into effect, the Commission finds it is in the public interest that customers to whom the service is to be offered be notified of the details of the service prior to the availability of the service. At the open meeting, representatives of Qwest agreed to this notice requirement. The Commission has jurisdiction over this matter pursuant to RCW 80.01.040, RCW 80.04.130, RCW 80.36.110, and WAC 480-80-120(5). O R D E R Before the “I-CALLED” feature is offered, Qwest shall work with Staff to provide notice of the details of the feature offering, by bill stuffer or other direct mail, to those customers to whom the service will be automatically activated. IT IS ORDERED That: DATED at Olympia, Washington, and effective this day of January, 2001. WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MARILYN SHOWALTER, Chairwoman RICHARD HEMSTAD, Commissioner