Date: December 9, 2000 Item Numbers: 2A and 2B Docket: 2A. UE-001923, Avista Corporation, dba Avista Utilities Less than statutory notice request to encourage a reduction in electric power consumption during periods of extraordinarily high wholesale power costs or energy shortages. 2B. UE-001841, Puget Sound Energy Proposes a comprehensive revision of the Company's existing Schedule 93 -- Voluntary Interruption of Electric Service. Staff: Fred Ottavelli, acting Electricity Industry Coordinator Hank McIntosh, Regulatory Consultant Alan Buckley, Senior Policy Analyst Thomas Schooley, Policy Research Specialist Joelle Steward, Policy Research Specialist Background On November 22, 2000, Puget Sound Energy (PSE) filed a revision to Schedule 93, Voluntary Interruption of Service. It allows customers who can curtail at least 500 kW an opportunity to earn credits on their electric bills by voluntarily curtailing their energy usage. The service is available to customers on schedules 49, 31, 26, 10, and 12. These customers are firm, high voltage or primary general service customers. Staff and PSE representatives met December 5, 2000, to discuss the filing. This filing is characterized by a sharing of cost savings. On December 8, 2000, Avista Utilities (Avista) filed a tariff revision to Schedule 70, Rules and Regulations, requesting less than statutory notice (LSN). The revision describes a voluntary buy-back of customer power based on curtailment agreements for a minimum of one megawatt hour. Staff and Avista representatives have held telephone consultations to discuss the filing. Credit of up to 70% of wholesale price ( Company anticipates 50 %) with a minimum of $200/mWh. Discussion Staff have similar initial reactions for both filings; they appear primarily to be economic tools but they may help conserve energy in times of system resource constraints. Staff have submitted data requests to PSE and PSE has committed to work with Staff in an expedited manner. We have received responses to some of the data requests. The remaining responses are expected to be fulfilled in the next week. Sufficient time was not available for a data request process for the Avista filing. Recent severe weather forecasts, however, suggest that immediate implementation of the proposals, on a temporary basis, could be beneficial. Staff believe that sunset dates and monthly reporting requirements for each company are improvements to these tariff revisions. These features will provide future opportunity to evaluate responses, payments, effectiveness, policy implications of economic and managerial options, and their relationship with other tools to conserve energy in times of anticipated deficiency of resources. Staff requests the Commission order monthly reports including an initial report of the first event. Recommendation Staff recommend that the Avista tariff revision in docket UE-001923, be permitted to become effective as filed with less than statutory notice on December 10, 2000. Staff recommend that the PSE tariff revision in docket UE-001841, be permitted to become effective as filed, if implementation issues can be resolved, with less than statutory notice on December 10, 2000. Although these programs may have merit as supporting the public interest, at this time, no determination can or should be made as to the prudence, fairness, or reasonableness of these tariff revisions.