DOCKET UW-001657 Page 2 BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND ) TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION, ) ) Complainant, ) DOCKET UW-001657 ) vs. ) ) COMPLAINT AND ORDER GAMBLE BAY WATER, INC. ) SUSPENDING TARIFF ) REVISIONS AND Respondent. ) INSTITUTING INVESTIGATION ) BACKGROUND On October 30, 2000, Gamble Bay Water, Inc., filed tariff revisions with the Commission to implement a new surcharge. The stated effective date is December 6, 2000. Gamble Bay Water, Inc., serves approximately 260 customers in Kitsap and Snohomish counties. The tariff revisions filed with the Commission are designated as: Fourth Revision Sheet No. 2 Canceling Third Revision Sheet No. 2 and First Revision Sheet No. 23 Canceling Original Sheet No. 23. The tariff revisions would cancel expired surcharges and implement a new surcharge of $2.27 monthly. The new surcharge would apply to all customers of the Company and would be used to repay a loan over five (5) years. The loan is being used to pay for drilling a new well on the Johanson water system located in Snohomish County. The proposed cost of the new well is $27,500 and it will be used to replace an existing well source that has failed. The revenue impact per customer will be approximately $27.24 per year. It appears that the filing would increase charges and rates for service rendered by Respondent and that the rights and interests of the public might be injuriously affected thereby, it is the decision of the Commission to suspend the operation of the above tariff revisions and enter upon public hearing or hearings concerning such changes and the reasonableness and justness thereof as may be necessary. In accordance with RCW 80.04.130, the burden of proof to show that such increases are just and reasonable shall be upon the Respondent. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED: 1. The operation of the above tariff revisions, filed October 30, 2000, is suspended. 2. A hearing or hearings, on the Commission's own motion, shall be held at such times and places as may be required. 3. No change or alteration shall be made in the tariff revision filed herein, during the period of suspension, unless authorized by the Commission. 4. An investigation is hereby instituted by the Commission. 5. Respondent may be required to pay the expenses reasonably attributable and allocable to such investigation to the extent the requirement for such payment may be in accordance with the provisions of chapter 80.20 RCW. DATED at Olympia, Washington, and effective this 29th day of November, 2000. WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MARILYN SHOWALTER, Chairwoman RICHARD HEMSTAD, Commissioner WILLIAM R. GILLIS, Commissioner