Agenda Date: November 8, 2000 Item Number: Docket: TV-001539 Petition of Joseph Dean Smith, d/b/a Joe the Mover for an Exemption from the Provisions of WAC 480-15-390, What Name May I Use? Company Name: Joseph Dean Smith d/b/a Joe the Mover Staff: Bonnie L. Allen, Transportation Program Coordinator Recommendation: Staff recommends that the request for an exemption from the provisions of WAC 480-15-390, What Name May I Use?, filed by Joseph Dean Smith, d/b/a Joe the Mover, be denied and that the company not be given permission to use the additional trade names of “Stealth Moving” and “Jay and Joe the Mover”. Background: On October 6, 2000, Joseph Dean Smith filed his written request for permission to use trade names, other than the trade name authorized on his temporary household goods permit. Mr. Smith asks to use the trade names of “Stealth Moving” and “Jay and Joe the Mover” because of established customer bases. He further states that he would like the opportunity to heal any referral and repeat customers’ opinions of a renegade outfit. WAC 480-15-390, What name may I use?, requires a household goods carrier to conduct operations under the name shown on its household goods permit and further provides that a household goods carrier may not operate under a name that is similar to that of another carrier. Before authorizing use of a trade name similar to that of another carrier the Commission must first determine that use of the name will not mislead the shipping public, or result in unfair or destructive competitive practices. Discussion The Commission granted temporary authority to Joseph Dean Smith, d/b/a Joe the Mover. One of the conditions of that grant of authority is that Mr. Joseph Smith must not in anyway use, or employ, or hire as an independent contractor, Jason Smith, d/b/a Jay the Mover, until the permanent injunction issued by the King County Superior Court against Jason Smith is rescinded or until Jason Smith obtains permit authority from the Commission. The Commission classified Jason Smith, d/b/a Jay the Mover, as a common carrier, and ordered him to cease and desist from conducting operations as a common carrier unless he first obtained the required authority from the Commission. The King County Superior Court entered a monetary judgment against Jason Smith, d/b/a Jay the Mover, ordered him to comply with the Commission’s cease and desist order, and issued a permanent injunction against him from holding himself out to provide, or providing transportation of property unless he first obtained authority from the Commission. Subsequent to the Commission’s order and the King County Superior Court injunction, Jason Smith, individually or with Joseph Smith, held himself out to provide household goods moving services under the trade names of “Stealth Moving” and “Jay and Joe the Mover”. Jason Smith, as an individual, does not hold authority issued by the Commission, nor does he hold authority under a partnership with Joseph Smith. The names “Stealth Moving” and “Jay and Joe the Mover” are associated with Jason Smith and the illegal household goods moving services he offered to the public, individually, and with Joseph Smith. Staff believes that allowing Joseph Smith, as a sole proprietor, to use these names in conjunction with his operations under a conditional grant of temporary authority, would not be in the best interest of the shipping public. We believe the names would mislead and confuse consumers about the identity of the carrier offering and providing service. Staff further believes that allowing Joseph Smith to use these names and benefit from recognition that has been gained as a result of Jason Smith’s illegal advertising and offering of services in violation of state law, Commission rules, Commission order, and a superior court injunction would constitute unfair or destructive competitive practices. Conclusion: In Docket No. TV-001539, staff recommends that the request for an exemption from the provisions of WAC 480-15-390, What Name May I Use?, filed by Joseph Dean Smith, d/b/a Joe the Mover, be denied and that the company not be given permission to use the additional trade names of “Stealth Moving” and “Jay and Joe the Mover”.