Agenda Date: September 13, 2000 Item Number: Docket: UT-001351 Company Name: Beaver Creek Telephone Company Staff Team: Tim Zawislak, Policy Research Specialist Bob Shirley, Telecommunications Analyst Recommendation: Take No Action on the Request for Less than Statutory Notice, and Issue an Order Approving Beaver Creek Telephone Company’s initial tariff sheets, as filed. Discussion On September 1, 2000, Beaver Creek Telephone Company (Beaver Creek) filed initial selected tariff sheets illustrating rates and services based on its actual costs and engineering plans. Beaver Creek has made this filing in order to move closer to its goal of acquiring funding in order to build out the infrastructure necessary to allow it to offer telephone service in two formerly “unserved areas” (the Silverton exchange and the Devil’s Club exchange located in Snohomish and King counties, respectively). The company has previously sought and received Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (ETC) statusETC status is a necessary prerequisite for receiving federal universal service funding. for these areas in Docket UT-990392. The company is requesting a less than statutory notice (or LSN) effective date because the company intends to secure financing through the United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Rural Utilities Service (RUS), and it believes the LSN would enable the company to be considered for loan approval during the first quarter of 2001. Staff believes LSN approval is not necessary because even assuming the loan is approved and construction goes as planned, the company will not be able to offer service until September 1, 2001, at the earliest. The Commission may approve the tariff sheets today, without LSN, which would still enable Beaver Creek to timely fulfill its loan application process without compromising statutory intent. The proposed tariff pages include local access rates of $20.00 per month for residences, and $30.00 per month for businesses. Rates for installation are $35.00 if no premise visit is required, and an additional $40.00 for a premise visit. There are no additional charges to end users for the initial extension of service. Carrier access charges are also included in the filing. Most notably, Beaver Creek proposes an initial intrastate Terminating Switched Access Universal Service Rate of 27.835 cents per minute. This level of universal service support results from the relatively small number of subscribers, as well as the topographic and geographic characteristics of the exchanges. Staff has analyzed the tariff pages and finds the rates to be fair, just, reasonable and sufficient. 1ETC status is a necessary prerequisite for receiving federal universal service funding.