Agenda Date: November 30, 1999 Agenda Item: Docket: TR-981101 Railroad Rulemaking--WAC 480-60-035 Walkways. Staff: Mike Rowswell, Rail Operations Manager Karen Caille, Administrative Law Judge Kim Dobyns, Policy Analyst Recommendation: Continue the rulemaking hearing in Docket No. TR-981101 until December 22, 1999, during the Commission’s regular open meeting. Attachments: Attachment 1: Draft Proposed Rule for Walkways. Attachment 2: Proposed Small Business Economic Impact Survey Discussion: 1. Background: A suggested walkway rule was presented at the September 22, 1999 open meeting for adoption as part of the revisions proposed for Chapter 480-60 WAC. Strong objections were raised to the walkway rule, some of which had not been considered previously. A need for clarification of certain words also arose. As a result, the Commission directed staff to gather further comments on the walkway rule. After the September 22, 1999 open meeting, further written comments were solicited and received from stakeholders. Railroads stated opposition to any rule, and labor promoted a more stringent walkway rule than the rule proposed by staff. At an operations rulemaking workshop held on September 28, 1999, several hours were set aside for comments on the walkway rule, during which additional concerns surfaced. It became evident that another walkway workshop was needed, and that the economic impact on small businesses needed to be re-evaluated. At the October 13, 1999 open meeting, the Commission continued consideration of WAC 480-60-035 (walkways), and directed staff to report the status of further efforts at the November 30, 1999 open meeting. On November 9, 1999, a workshop was held to elicit and consider all concerns, and to attempt to resolve the disputed issues. The workshop was attended by representatives of The Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Co., the Union Pacific Railroad, the Columbia Basin Railroad, the Palouse River and Coulee City Railroad, and the United Transportation Union. Docket TR-981101 November 30, 1999 Page 2 At the end of the workshop, much of what is contained in Attachment 1 was agreed to in principle. However, the railroads still reserved the right to question the need for the rule and to raise issues of preemption. Also, an agreement on where walkways should be required was not reached. Staff believes the new rule should be limited to yards. This was done to narrow the areas of disagreement among the parties, take into account the available evidence of need for a rule, and recognize that experience gained with a limited rule can be used to determine whether a more extensive rule is needed. Also, the major railroads and unions are working on the issue of walkways on mainlines through the Safety and Compliance Program (SACP) sponsored by the Federal Railroad Administration. Although the issue in the SACP involves walkways near dragging equipment detectors, resolution of that problem will provide information and guidance applicable to walkways near switches outside of yards. Accordingly, staff believes that the issue of walkways near switches should be deferred. Staff redrafted the proposed rule as written in Attachment 1. It was sent to all interested parties for further comment on November 23, 1999. Comments are due by December 10, 1999. A Small Business Economic Impact Statement will be prepared. A survey to measure the economic impact of the proposed rule on small businesses was sent with the proposed rule to all regulated railroads on November 23, 1999. The survey is also due by December 10,1999. The survey is attached to this memorandum as Attachment 2. It is noted that participants at the workshop were given the opportunity to provide input on the elements that should be measured in the Small Business Economic Impact Statement. Staff believes that another stakeholder meeting is unnecessary. All considerations and concerns should have been brought forward by stakeholders by this time through the many opportunities provided by Staff. Those who attended the workshop on November 9, 1999, articulated their positions clearly and constructively. When final comments and the survey responses are received, Staff should have sufficient information to draft an appropriate rule. Conclusion Based upon the foregoing, Staff recommends the Commission continue the rulemaking hearing in Docket No. TR-981101 until December 22, 1999, during the Commission’s regular open meeting.