BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Proposed Rulemaking to Adopt a Methodology the Determination of Just and Reasonable Rates for Attachments to Transmission Facilities ) ) ) ) ) ) DOCKET NO. UT-970723 APRIL 27, 1998 SUPPLEMENTAL COMMENTS OF U S WEST COMMUNICATIONS, INC. U S WEST Communications, Inc. ("U S WEST"), pursuant to the Notice of Opportunity to File Comments dated March 31, 1998, submits the following supplemental comments pertaining to the adoption of a methodology for determination of just and reasonable rates for attachments to transmission facilities: I. OVERVIEW On November 7, 1997, U S WEST filed its first set of comments on the Commission's proposal to adopt the FCC's current methodology for determining just and reasonable rates for attachments to transmission facilities. U S WEST filed supplemental comments in this docket on January 13, 1998. U S WEST stands by these previously filed comments and specifically incorporates them herein, except to the extent that such comments have been modified by this current filing. II. U S WEST SUPPORTS STAFF'S PREFERENCES FOR THE FCC'S METHODOLOGY, NEGOTIATED AGREEMENTS AND A FLASH CUT. In its Notice of Opportunity to File Comments dated March 31, 1998, the Commission noted that Commission Staff took the following three positions: 1) Staff generally agreed with the FCC's methodology, as amended in the Report and order in CS Docket No. 97-151; 2) Staff desired a "flash cut" rather than the five-year FCC transition period; and 3) Staff preferred negotiated agreements as the primary means of attachment rates. After considering Staff's positions, and reviewing the filings submitted by other parties, U S WEST agrees with each of the positions taken by Staff. In particular, after reviewing the submissions of other parties, U S WEST believes that an immediate flash cut to the FCC’s methodology is the most appropriate manner in which to implement the FCC ultimate methodology to be in place in 2008 on the state level. A flash cut would have the twin virtues of implementing, in one step, a consistent and certain methodology and, further, eliminating the need for separate rulemakings and implementations for each step taken during the five-year transition period. III. ALL OWNERS AND ATTACHERS OF TRANSMISSION FACILITIES MUST BE TREATED EQUALLY. In its Supplemental Comments, U S WEST urged the Commission to adopt a methodology which explicitly treats all owners of similar transmission facilities in an equal, nondiscriminatory manner. Such treatment would disregard the type of service provided by the attacher and acknowledge that all attachers should pay similar fees for the amounts of space used. Any other type of arrangement would effect a subsidy in favor of some attachers to the disadvantage of other attachers and facility owners. This is an anomaly which should be avoided in this era of increasing competition. In this regard, U S WEST joins in the position taken by GTE that all parties using or owning transmission facilities must be treated alike. See, Additional Comments of GTE Northwest, filed January 15, 1998 at pp. 9-10. IV. THE COMMISSION SHOULD INTERPRET THE FCC GUIDELINES CONSISTENTLY WITH THE FCC'S INTERPRETIVE ANNOUNCEMENTS. In recommending that the Commission adopt the FCC's methodology, U S WEST also urges the Commission to establish a policy of adopting and applying interpretative announcements issued by the FCC as to that methodology. U S WEST was recently confronted by this issue when it was forced to request clarification from the FCC regarding its recent Report and Order. (See, Attachment "A" hereto). In the event that the Commission chooses to adopt the FCC's methodology, U S WEST submits that consistency and reason also require the Commission to apply that methodology in a manner consistent with the FCC. Such a policy should be made explicit in the Commission's own rules. Respectfully submitted this 27th day of April, 1998. U S WEST Communications, Inc. ________________________________ Lisa A. Anderl, WSBA #13236 Peter J. Butler, Attorney at Law