BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION In the Matter of the Policy Statement Regarding Suspension of Action on New Requests For Extended Area Service Pursuant to WAC 480-120-400 through 435 Temporarily While the Commission Conducts a Rulemaking Proceeding to Seek Improved Means to Redefine Local Calling Areas and to Provide for More Flexible Interexchange Call Pricing. DOCKET NO. UT-970545 COMMENTS OF PUBLIC COUNSEL RE PROPOSED RULE (CR-102) Public Counsel offers the following comments on the Commission’s proposed rule defining minimum local calling areas, pursuant to the CR-102 of June 3, 1998. For the most part, Public Counsel relies on its previous comments filed during the CR 101 phase. The current proposed rule contains improvements which address a number of the concerns we had addressed. These comments address specific items, as requested by the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking. Cost Recovery. Public Counsel recommends that the Commission amend the rule to preserve the current method of cost recovery laid out in existing WAC 480-120-420. That rule provides, in summary, that costs are first recovered from subscribers who benefit from new EAS service, next from earnings, if appropriate, and only then, if necessary from all of the company’s local exchange rates. WAC 480-120-420(2). The proposed rule appears to depart from this approach, providing instead for an “automatic” increase in all local rates of up to 25 cents as the chief method of cost recovery after a company showing of costs. This is inequitable for two reasons. First, this will result in many customers experiencing a rate increase with no additional increase in service. Second, the current rule takes away the Commission’s ability to look at company earnings as a possible method of recovery after a company showing of costs. A general local rate increase should only occur as a last resort, after the Commission has determined that a company’s earnings level requires such an increase. In addition to incorporating the existing recovery structure, the amended rule should retain the “caps” contained in the proposal. It is not clear why Staff is recommending this departure from the approach in the existing rule. While the proposed rule does not specify how a general local rate EAS additive would appear on the bill, the proposed approach is particularly problematical when local customers are beginning to see surcharges and line items for a whole range of items ranging from USF to number portability charges, all of which have the effect of driving up local rates with no concurrent benefits for local customers. Waiver. Public Counsel reiterates the recommendation contained in our May 11, 1998, comments that the rule include a provision allowing customers, as well as local exchange companies, to petition for waiver. Section 2(b) of the proposed rule provides for “waiver,” i.e., approval of an area not including one of the communities listed in section 2(a), but only upon company petition. Customers should also be afforded the same right. The sole purpose of the local calling area rule is to meet customers’ calling needs. Customers and communities are at least as well situated as local exchange companies to determine the level of need for local calling. Particularly given the rule’s inclusion of specific named communities, a practical but unavoidably arbitrary approach, a “safety valve” allowing customers to petition should be added. Section 2(b) should be amended to read: The commission may approve a local calling area that does not include any of the exchanges listed above if the local exchange company demonstrates that the local calling area is adequate to meet the requirements of subsection (1) of this section. The commission may approve a local calling area that does not include any of the exchanges listed above if it receives a petition from a local government or reasonably representative group of customers in an exchange to be benefited, upon a demonstration that the local calling area is adequate to meet the requirements of subsection (1) of this section. Thank you for your consideration of these comments. Respectfully submitted, DATED: June 26, 1998. CHRISTINE O. GREGOIRE Attorney General Simon J. ffitch Assistant Attorney General Public Counsel