BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION In the Matter of the Competitive Classification on the Commission’s Own Motion of INTERCONTINENTAL COMMUNICATIONS GROUP, INC., d/b/a ICLD Docket No. UT-991050 ORDER INITIATING COMPETITIVE CLASSIFICATION PROCEEDINGS; AND NOTICE OF OPPORTUNITY TO FILE COMMENTS (SEPTEMBER 8, 1999) The Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (Commission) initiates this proceeding to classify the above-named telecommunications company as a competitive telecommunications company under RCW 80.36.320. I. STATUTORY AUTHORITY The Commission is authorized by RCW 80.36.310(1) to competitively classify telecommunications companies on its own motion. The Commission shall competitively classify a telecommunications company if it finds that the services provided by the company are subject to effective competition as set forth in RCW 80.36.320(1). “Effective competition” means that the company’s customers have reasonably available alternatives and that the company does not have a significant captive customer base. In determining whether the services provided by a company are competitive, the Commission considers, at a minimum, the following factors set forth in RCW 80.36.320(1): (a) The number and sizes of alternative providers of services; (b) The extent to which services are available from alternative providers in the relevant market; (c) The ability of alternative providers to make functionally equivalent or substitute services readily available at competitive rates, terms, and conditions; and (d) Other indicators of market power, which may include market share, growth in market share, ease of entry, and the affiliation of providers of services. II. DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES AT ISSUE The above-named company provides, or is authorized to provide, these telecommunications services: long distance service, WATS service, operator service, and calling card service. III. COMPETITIVE SHOWING The Commission alleges: A. The services provided by the above-named company are subject to effective competition. B. There are numerous providers of the services provided by the above-named company. The telecommunications companies that provide competing services include, but are not limited to, GTE Northwest Incorporated, AT&T Telecommunications of the Pacific Northwest, Inc., MCIWorldcom, Inc., and Sprint Communications Company L.P. C. The rates, terms, and conditions of services provided by GTE Northwest Incorporated, and other companies that must file tariffs with the Commission are set forth in each company’s tariff filed with the Commission. The rates, terms, and conditions of services provided by AT&T Telecommunications of the Pacific Northwest, Inc., MCIWorldcom, Inc., Sprint Communications Company L.P., and other competitively-classified companies are contained in each company’s price list on file with the Commission. D. The relevant geographic market is the state of Washington. E. The above-named company does not have more than a very modest share of the telecommunications market in the state of Washington. F. Entry into the markets for all of the services at issue in this petition is accomplished with relative ease. The ease of market entry is apparent by the number of market participants and the growing number of companies seeking to provide the services at issue. G. The above-named company does not provide services to captive customers. IV. PRICE LISTS If the competitive classification is approved, the Commission would order the above-named company to submit a price list to the Commission. However, until such time as the price list is submitted, the Commission would order that the tariff of the above-named company be deemed a price list. V. NOTICE OF CHANGES IN PRICES, TERMS, AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICE The above-named company will provide to its customers written notice of price list changes at least 10 days prior to the effective date of the changes. VI. WAIVER OF CERTAIN REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS The Commission believes that the following regulatory requirements should be waived because such requirements are unnecessary in light of the number of competitive-classified companies authorized to provide service in the state of Washington. The Commission alleges that competitive market forces will serve the same purpose as the following statutes and regulations. RCW 80.04.300 Budgets to be filed by companies--Supplementary budgets RCW 80.04.310 Commission’s control over expenditures RCW 80.04.320 Budget rules RCW 80.04.330 Effect of unauthorized expenditure--Emergencies RCW 80.04.360 Earnings in excess of reasonable rate--Consideration in fixing rates RCW 80.04.460 Investigation of accidents RCW 80.04.520 Lease of utility facilities RCW 80.36.100 Tariff schedules to be filed and open to public RCW 80.36.110 Tariff changes--Statutory notice--Exception Chapter 80.08 RCW Securities (except RCW 80.08.140, State not obligated) Chapter 80.12 RCW Transfers of Property Chapter 80.16 RCW Affiliated interests Chapter 480-80 WAC Tariffs Chapter 480-140 WAC Budgets Chapter 480-143 WAC Transfers of Property Chapter 480-146 WAC Securities and affiliated interests WAC 480-120-026 Tariffs WAC 480-120-031 Accounting WAC 480-120-032 Accounting-Political information and political education activities WAC 480-120-036 Finance--Securities, affiliated interest, transfer of property WAC 480-120-046 Services offered WAC 480-120-131 Reports of accidents VII. EFFECTIVE DATE The competitive classification of the above-named company, if approved, shall be effective September 22, 1999. VIII. OPEN MEETING The Commission will consider the competitive classification of the above-named company at an open public meeting on September 22, 1999. IX. NOTICE OF OPPORTUNITY TO COMMENT Any person may file comments regarding the proposed competitive classification of the above-named company, including comments regarding whether the Commission should set the competitive classification for hearing under chapter 34.05 RCW or a formal investigation and fact-finding under RCW 80.36.145. Comments must be received by the Commission on or before September 8, 1999. Questions regarding this classification proceeding and comments should be addressed to Carole J. Washburn, Secretary, 1300 S. Evergreen Park Drive S.W., P.O. Box 47250, Olympia, Washington, 98504-7250, and include the company name and docket number. X. NOTICE OF COMPETITIVE CLASSIFICATION Pursuant to RCW 80.36.310, the above-named company must keep a copy of this Order at its business office for public inspection. XI. CONCLUSION The Commission believes that the above-named company is subject to effective competition or will be subject to effective competition once it offers service in the state of Washington. Washington consumers have multiple, reasonably available alternatives when choosing a telecommunications provider. Many companies, including large diverse telecommunications companies, offer services in Washington that compete with the services offered by the above-named company. These services are readily available to Washington consumers at competitive rates, terms, and conditions. The Commission believes good cause exists for competitively classifying the above-named telecommunications company and granting a waiver of the statutes and regulations set forth above. ORDER THE COMMISSION ORDERS: 1. On its own motion, the Commission will consider whether the above-named company should be competitively classified. 2. Any comments filed regarding this matter must be received by the Commission at the address shown below on or before September 8, 1999. 3. The Commission may, if it deems necessary and appropriate, set the above-captioned docket for formal hearing or formal investigation and fact-finding. If the Commission determines that a hearing or formal investigation and fact-finding is necessary and appropriate, it will set a time and place for such proceeding by subsequent notice. DATED at Olympia, Washington, and effective this 11th day of August, 1999. WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION RICHARD HEMSTAD, Commissioner WILLIAM R. GILLIS, Commissioner Inquiries should be addressed to: The Secretary Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission 1300 S. Evergreen Park Drive SW P. O. Box 47250 Olympia, WA 98504-7250 (360) 664-1160