COMMISSION In the Matter of: ) DOCKET NO. UT-971163 ) Volume I DESTINY TELECOMM ) Pages 1-61 ) INTERNATIONAL, INC. ) ----------------------------) A hearing in the above matter was held on September 8, 1997, at 9:30 a.m., at 1300 Evergreen Park Drive Southwest, Olympia, Washington, before Administrative Law Judge JOHN PRUSIA. The parties were present as follows: THE COMMISSION by Robert Cedarbaum, Assistant Attorney General, 1400 South Evergreen Park Drive Southwest, Olympia, Washington, 98504. Barbara L. Spurbeck, CSR Court Reporter INDEX TO WITNESSES WITNESS: DIRECT CROSS FRED OTTAVELLI 7 MARY TAYLOR 29 INDEX TO EXHIBITS EXHIBIT: MARKED: ADMITTED: Exhibit No. 1 6 61 Exhibit No. 2 6 61 Exhibit No. 3 6 61 Exhibit No. 4 6 61 Exhibit No. 5 6 61 Exhibit No. 6 15 61 Exhibit No. 7 15 61 Exhibit No. 8 15 61 Exhibit No. 9 15 61 Exhibit No. 10 15 61 P R O C E E D I N G S JUDGE PRUSIA: Let's be on the record. The hearing will please come to order. The Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission has set for hearing at this time and place, upon due and proper notice to all interested parties, a hearing in Docket Number UT-971163. This is in the matter of Destiny Telecomm International, Inc. This is a complaint and order to show cause initiated by Commission Staff. The hearing is being held at Olympia, Washington, on the 8th day of September, 1997. My name is John Prusia. I'm an Administrative Law Judge with the Commission. I'll take appearances at this time, beginning with Commission Staff. MR. CEDARBAUM: Thank you, Your Honor. My name is Robe