BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION In the Matter of the Application of ) ) DOCKET UT-971036 CALL PLUS, INC., ) ) for an Order Authorizing Registration ) ORDER AMENDING as a Telecommunications Company ) REGISTRATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) BACKGROUND On June 19, 1997, Call Plus, Inc., (Call Plus or Company) filed with the Commission, in Docket UT-971036, an application for registration as a telecommunications company pursuant to RCW 80.36.350. The Company proposed to offer resold direct-dialed long distance, inbound 800/888, travel card, and prepaid calling card services to the public. The application came before the Commission at its regularly scheduled open public meeting of July 9, 1997. At that meeting, the Commission authorized the registration of Call Plus, and entered its order Authorizing Registration. In that order, the Commission required that the Company, prior to the effective date of its initial tariff, “submit to the Commission a bond arrangement identical to the document filed as amended Exhibit F [to its application for registration].” The bond was required by the Commission to protect customers of the Company purchasing prepaid calling card services. On August 20, 1998, Call Plus filed with the Commission a price list for its telecommunications services offered to the public, replacing its Tariff WN U-1. The Company indicated that its “new price list does not include any terms for the provision of pre-paid calling card service, therefore, no bond is required for Call Plus, Inc. MEMORANDUM On November 10, 1998, Call Plus notified the Commission that it does not intend to offer debit calling card services to the public in this state as provided in the Commission’s order authorizing registration. The Company requested that the November 10, 1998 letter be treated as a petition to amend its registration to remove the provision of debit calling card services from its authority to offer telecommunications services to the public. Call Plus acknowledged in the letter that, if at any time in the future it proposes to offer debit calling card services in this state, “the Company understands it must petition the Commission for such authority and satisfy all conditions imposed by the Commission for the provision of that service.” FINDINGS The Commission finds it is in the public interest to amend the registration of Call Plus and to delete debit calling card services from those services the Company is authorized to provide in this state. We therefore will amend the Company’s registration in this manner. ORDER THE COMMISSION ORDERS That the registration of Call Plus, Inc., in this matter is amended to delete debit calling card services from those telecommunications services which the Company is authorized to provide in the state of Washington. DATED at Olympia, Washington, and effective this 23rd day of December 1998. WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION CAROLE J. WASHBURN, Secretary