Agenda Date: June 28, 2000 Item Number: Docket : UT-000943 Company Name: M&L Enterprises Staff: Jacob Wexler, Telecommunications Policy Specialist Fred Ottavelli, Senior Policy Strategist Bob Shirley, Regulatory Consultant Tim Zawislak, Policy Research Specialist Recommendation: Direct the Secretary to issue an order registering M&L Enterprises as a telecommunications company, waiving WAC 480-121-010, and approving its tariff pages on less then statutory notice. Discussion: On June 20, 2000, M&L Enterprises (M&L) submitted an application to become registered as a telecommunications company, a request for a waiver of WAC 480-121-010, Filing of Registration Application, Competitive Classification Petition, and Price List, and a request for approval of selected tariff pages on less then statutory notice. M&L has filed to become a registered telecommunications company to provide basic service to unserved customers in the Mount Hull area of Okanogan county. The majority of the 150 to 200 households are located in U S WEST's Oroville exchange and some are in GTE's Tonasket exchange. Staff has reviewed the application for registration and has found it to be adequate. WAC 480-121-010 requires that a company submit applications for registration, petitions for competitive classification, and price lists at the same time. M&L requests a waiver of the competitive classification and price list requirements in WAC 480-121-010 because it will not face effective competition when it plans to commence service, so it is currently unable to support a petition for competitive classification. Therefore, M&L is not permitted to file a price list. The registration, however, is a necessary step if M& L is to provide services in this area. While M&L has not submitted a complete tariff at this time it has submitted certain tariff pages that cover the terms and conditions of local access and network access service. It requests, in accordance with WAC 480-80-240, Less than Statutory Notice, approval of those pages on less than statutory notice. Approval of these tariff sheets on less than statutory notice will enable M&L to secure the loan necessary to purchase equipment to begin providing service in October, 2000. The proposed tariff pages include local access rates of $19.50 per month for residences, and $25.00 for businesses. Rates for installation are $25.00 if no premise visit is required, and an additional $40.00 for a premise visit. There are no additional charges to end users for the initial extension of service. Network access rates are outlined in Attachment 1. Staff has analyzed the tariff pages and finds the rates to be fair, just, reasonable and sufficient. M&L has agreed to submit a complete tariff before the company begins to provide service. Conclusion Staff recommends that the Commission approve the registration of M&L Enterprises as a telecommunications company, approve its request for waiver of WAC 480, 121-010, and approve its tariff pages on less than statutory notice.