December 3, 1999 NOTICE OF TERMINATION OF RULE MAKING PROCEEDING Re: Commission Inquiry Into the Need for Fees for Activities Arising Under the Telecommunications Act of 1996 Docket No. UT-990873 TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: On July 9, 1999, the Commission filed with the Code Reviser a Preproposal Statement of Inquiry (CR-101) on the need for fees for activities arising under the Commission’s compliance with and implementation of the federal Telecommunications Act of 1996. The Commission received written comments from interested persons on August 11 and conducted a workshop on August 25, 1999. By notice dated September 29, 1999, the Commission scheduled a second workshop on the matter for October 11, 1999, and with that notice identified a proposed fee schedule for certain activities and provided statistical information on its FY1999 revenues and expenses by industry sector. At the October 11 workshop, the Commission distributed additional statistical information on its revenues and expenses by industry sector, a copy of which is enclosed with this notice. Following the workshop, the Commission on October 11, 1999, provided interested persons with the opportunity to comment by October 20, 1999, regarding their position on the feasibility and expediency of proceeding with this rule making inquiry. The Commission has reviewed the written and oral comments filed in this matter, and has considered both the practical ramifications and political realities of proceeding with a rule making to implement RCW 80.36.610. The Commission has concluded that it should not proceed at this time with the current rule making proceeding. The Commission therefore gives notice that it will direct that the Code Reviser withdraw the statement of inquiry and that it will close this rulemaking docket. Questions regarding this matter should be addressed to Bob Wallis at 360-664-1142. Sincerely, Carole J. Washburn Secretary DOCKET DOCUMENTS AVAILABLE ONLINE