May 28, 1997 NOTICE OF TERMINATION OF PROCEEDING NOTICE OF INITIATION OF NEW PROCEEDINGS Re: In the Matter of the Commission’s Notice of Inquiry: Examining Regulation of the Local Distribution Companies in the Face of Change in the Natural Gas Industry Docket No. UG-940778 To All Interested Persons: As a product of the Notice of Inquiry (NOI) in the above captioned and docketed proceeding, the Commission on May 16, 1997, adopted Commission Staff’s recommendation to issue a policy statement to implement an incentive mechanism in the purchase gas adjustment (PGA) process. With this action, Commission Staff has recommended closure of this inquiry and termination of the proceeding under Docket No. UG-940778. Future inquiry into specific issues generated by the NOI will be conducted in individual proceedings with separate docket numbers and with participation subject to the expressed interest of members of the industry and the public. The following proceedings have been opened by the Commission: Docket No. Subject Staff Lead UG-970002 Hedging by Regulated Companies Phillip Popoff UG-970003 Demand Side Management Recommendations Merton Lott UG-970004 Least Cost Planning Hank McIntosh UG-970005 Unbundling and Customer Choice Hank McIntosh ------------------- INTERESTED PERSONS MAY 23, 1997 PAGE TWO Any person who has submitted comments in Docket No. UG-940778 will be placed on the Interested Persons list for each of these docket numbers. Otherwise, to be placed on the interested persons list for any or all of these dockets, please notify the Commission’s Records Center by returning the enclosed form or by e-mail at For more information on the scope of any of these proceedings, contact Merton Lott, Natural Gas Industry Coordinator, at 360­586­1154, or by e­ ;mail at , or Jeffrey Showman, Policy Planning and Research Administrator, at 360-586-1196, or by e-mail at Sincerely, Steve McLellan Secretary Attachment Attachment RETURN FORM TO: SECRETARY WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION ATTN: RECORDS CENTER PO BOX 47250 OLYMPIA WA 98504-7250 Please include me on the interested persons mailing list for each docket checked below. Docket No. Subject [ ] UG-970002 Hedging by Regulated Companies [ ] UG-970003 Demand Side Management Recommendations [ ] UG-970004 Least Cost Planning [ ] UG-970005 Unbundling and Customer Choice (Attach label here.)