DOCKET UT-970725 Page 1 BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION In the Matter of the Petition of ) CABLE & WIRELESS, INC., ) DOCKET UT-970725 for Waiver of Washington ) Administrative Code 480-120-106, ) ORDER GRANTING Form of Bills. ) WAIVER OF RULES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) On April 30, 1997, Cable & Wireless, Inc., filed a petition requesting waiver of certain administrative rules in conjunction with its application for registration, Docket UT-900668, as a telecommunications company to provide prepaid calling card services. Cable & Wireless, Inc., proposes to sell prepaid calling cards to the general public. Customers access the underlying carrier's network by dialing the company's toll free access number. The customer enters a designated account number listed on the card. Once a customer makes a call, the cost of the call is automatically debited from the customer's account until the card's account balance is depleted. Due to the specialized nature of this service, Cable & Wireless, Inc., does not render bills to its subscribers. Therefore, the company requests waiver of WAC 480-120-106, Form of Bills. Cable & Wireless, Inc., will provide call detail reports free to customers upon request. FINDINGS 1. Cable & Wireless, Inc., is a public service company subject to the jurisdiction of this Commission under the provisions of Chapter 80.36 RCW. 2. It appears, upon investigation that the request for waiver of the Commission rules by Cable & Wireless, Inc., is reasonable and consistent with the public interest and should therefore be granted. O R D E R 1. After the effective date of this order and subject to the conditions hereof, the petition of Cable & Wireless, Inc., filed with the Commission requesting waiver of the following Commission rules is hereby granted, applicable only to appli- cant's prepaid calling card service: WAC 480-120-106, Form of Bills. 2. This order shall in no way affect the authority of this Commission over rates, service, or accounts, evaluations, estimates or determination of costs or any matters whatsoever that may come before it, nor shall anything herein be construed as an acquiescence in any estimate or determination of cost, or any valuation of property claimed or asserted. 3. Cable & Wireless, Inc., will provide free call detail reports to customers upon request. Dated at Olympia, Washington, and effective this 9th day of July, 1997. WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION STEVE McLELLAN, Secretary