Docket TG-970478 May 28, 1997 page 1 Agenda Date: May 28, 1997 Item Number: Docket Number: TG-970478 Company Name: Harold LeMay Enterprises, Inc., d/b/a/ Pierce County Refuse Co. G-98 Staff: Layne Demas, Revenue Requirements Specialist Penny Hansen, Public Involvement Coordinator Recommendation: Issue a complaint and order suspending the revised filing in Docket TG-970478 for Pierce County Refuse Co. and allow temporary rates to become effective June 1, 1997. Discussion: On March 12, 1997, Pierce County Refuse Co. filed tariff revisions in Docket TG-970478 to reflect increased residential and commercial rates for solid waste collection. The reason for the filing is to recover increased disposal fees and contract labor increases. The disposal fees at the Land Recovery Inc., (LRI) landfill in Pierce County are increasing from $72.20 to $75.75 per ton for at least 60 days. Initially, LRI and Pierce County announced a disposal fee increase to $78.78 per ton to be effective May 1, 1997. Continuing discussions on the long haul contract resulted in the temporary smaller increase to be effective June 1, 1997. During the temporary rate period both Pierce County and LRI will determine the final disposal rate. Either the $75.75 per ton rate will prevail or it will increase to the $78.85 per ton rate. The company has requested the pass through remedy of the disposal fee impact per RCW 81.77.160. Pierce County Refuse Co. serves approximately 22,500 residential and 6,600 commercial regulated customers in southeast Pierce County. The company also has contracts for service with the city of Lakewood. The Commission received five letters opposed to this proposal. Customers believe that the company's proposal is excessive and do not believe the company needs an increase. The filing is an update of a previous general rate increase effective July 1, 1996, in Docket TG-960668. The proposed rates will generate approximately $238,325 (2.82%) in additional revenue. The results of the update are shown on Attachment A. The following is a representative sample of current and proposed rates: Per Month, Residential Current Proposed Revised minican $10.47 $10.82 $10.67 1 Can Weekly 12.37 12.82 12.67 2 Can Weekly 17.27 18.02 17.72 (Rate includes recycle program cost of $2.12) Per Pickup, Commercial 1 Yd Container 1st pu. 16.84 17.64 17.16 1 Yd Container Addl 9.76 10.56 10.08 2 Yd Container 1st. Pu. 28.98 30.21 29.46 2 Yd Container Addl 18.42 19.65 18.90 Staff recommends that a complaint and order suspending the revised filing in Docket TG-970478 be issued and temporary rates be approved to become effective June 1, 1997.