DOCKET UE-900794 Page 2 BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND ) TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION, ) ) Complainant, ) DOCKET NO. UE-900794 ) vs. ) ) SUPPLEMENTAL Puget Sound Energy, ) ORDER ) ) Respondent. ) ) The Commission, on August 22, 1990, issued its Order in this docket approving Puget Sound Energy (formerly known as Puget Sound Power & Light Company) to participate in a Service Area Agreement with the City of Tacoma, Washington. On April 10, 1997, the Commission received a request from Puget Sound Energy for the amendment of the July 12, 1990, Service Area Agreement with the City of Tacoma for two new plats in Pierce County. The amendment, included as Attachment 1, implements Section 2.2 of the Service Area Agreement, which provides for adjustments to the boundary between Puget Sound Energy and the City of Tacoma. FINDINGS The Commission finds that the amendment filed by Puget Sound Energy is in accordance with the intent of the ordering section of the Commission's Order in Docket UE-900794 and is consistent with the legislative policy enunciated in chapter 54.48 RCW. O R D E R THE COMMISSION THEREFORE ORDERS That the amendment by Puget Sound Energy in such aforesaid Service Area Agreement is hereby approved pursuant to the provisions and requirements of RCW 54.48.030. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED That jurisdiction is retained by the Commission to effectuate the provisions of this and prior orders entered in this docket. DATED at Olympia, Washington, and effective this th of June, 1997. WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION STEVE McLELLAN Secretary