July 22, 1998 RE: Petitions for Enforcement of Interconnection Agreements WAC 480-09-530 Docket No. A-970591 TO INTERESTED PERSONS: The Commission has filed with the Code Reviser for adoption a proposed rule to establish a petition for enforcement of interconnection agreements. The proposal defines the petition and the process for deciding the issues raised in a petition. Enclosed are copies of the draft rule and the CR-102 filed with the Code Reviser. The proposal is scheduled for adoption on August 26, 1998. Written comments in response to the CR-102 are welcome and should be submitted no later than August 7, 1998. The Commission asks, but does not require, that commenting parties provide an original and 10 copies of their comments, and also to provide comments electronically via electronic mail or on a 3-1/2 inch high density floppy disk, in WordPerfect version 5.1, 6.0, or 6.1 for IBM-compatible computers, labeled with the docket number, the date, the commenter’s name, and the type of software used. The Commission will post on its Internet web site, all comments that it receives in electronic format. Questions may be addressed to Bob Wallis at 360-664-1142 or . Sincerely, CAROLE J. WASHBURN Secretary Enclosure