DOCKET NO. UE-960299 PAGE 1 BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND ) TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION, ) DOCKET NO. UE-960299 ) Complainant, ) SEVENTH SUPPLEMENTAL ) ORDER GRANTING ) PERMISSION TO ) WITHDRAW v. ) SPECIAL CONTRACT and ) DISMISSING PROCEEDING PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT ) COMPANY, ) ) Respondent. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) On March 15, 1996, Puget Sound Power & Light Company (Puget or Company) submitted a special contract to the Commission for approval which would allow Puget to provide electric service to Intel Corporation (Intel), a new customer. The filing was made pursuant to WAC 480-80-335, the Commission’s special contract rule. The request for a special contract claimed: (1) without the special rate Intel would not locate its manufacturing plant in Washington; (2) Intel considered Puget’s rates under tariff excessive; (3) the rate under the special contract provides for the recovery of all costs directly associated with the provision of electric service; and (4) the agreement does not result in undue discrimination between customers receiving like and contemporaneous service. Puget was represented by James M. Van Nostrand, attorney, Seattle. The Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (Commission Staff) was represented by Sally G. Johnston, Assistant Attorney General, Olympia. Robert F. Manifold, Assistant Attorney General, Seattle, appeared as Public Counsel. Clyde H. MacIver, attorney, Seattle, represented Industrial Customers of Northwest Utilities (ICNU). Matsushita Semiconductor Corporation of America (Matsushita) was represented by Richard A. Finnigan, attorney, Olympia. Prehearing conferences were held April 24, April 30, and June 17, 1996 before administrative law judges Marjorie R. Schaer and John Prusia. The parties filed an agreed issues list with the Commission on July 5, 1996. Testimony and exhibits of Commission Staff, Public Counsel, and Intervenors were due to be filed on August 22, 1996. On August 21, 1996, the Commission received a letter from Puget asking the Commission to postpone action on this matter. Puget was, at the time, seeking approval of a new Schedule 48 in Docket No. 960696. Puget stated that if their proposed Schedule 48 was approved, Intel would consider taking service under that schedule rather than the proposed contract. Parties in this docket agreed to Puget’s request; the Commission suspended the schedule. The Commission approved Schedule 48 at its October 9, 1996 open meeting. On November 14, 1996, the Commission received a letter from Puget requesting permission to withdraw this filing. According to the letter, Intel has advised Puget that it intends to execute a service agreement to take service under Schedule 48, and has authorized Puget to withdraw the special contract filing. Puget asks for permission to withdraw the special contract in this proceeding, and for a Commission order terminating the proceeding. The Commission notified parties wishing to comment on the letter to respond by November 21, 1996. No responses were received. The Commission will allow Puget to withdraw the special contract and will, by this order, terminate the proceeding. ORDER THE COMMISSION ORDERS That the request by Puget Sound Power & Light Company to withdraw the special contract filing in Docket No. UE-960299 is granted. Docket No. UE-960299 is dismissed. Dated at Olympia, Washington, and effective this day of November, 1996. WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION SHARON L. NELSON, Chairman RICHARD HEMSTAD, Commissioner WILLIAM R. GILLIS, Commissioner NOTICE TO PARTIES: This is a final order of the Commission. In addition to judicial review, administrative relief may be available through a petition for reconsideration, filed within 10 days of the service of this order pursuant to RCW 34.05.470 and WAC 480-09-810, or a petition for rehearing pursuant to RCW 80.04.200 or RCW 81.04.200 and WAC 480-09-820(1).