BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION In the Matter of Customer Proprietary) Network Information (CPNI) ) DOCKET NO. UT-971514 COMMENTS OF AT&T AT&T Communications of the Pacific Northwest, Inc. (“AT&T”) appreciates the opportunity to provide these comments to the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (“Commission”) in response to the September 21, 1998 notice on revisions to Customer Proprietary Network Information (CPNI) rules. AT&T commends the Commission for their efforts to follow the federal CPNI rules. Consistency between the state and federal rules maximizes the customers’ privacy protection in the most economic fashion while concurrently eliminating confusion brought on by differing sets of rules. That said, there are a few items that AT&T wants to bring to the attention of the Commission: AT&T believes the Commission inadvertently referenced the wrong section in the following rule. The convention AT&T uses to demonstrate what it believes to be the incorrect reference is a score through and the correct reference is shown by an underscore. WAC 480-120-151(b)(2) A telecommunications carrier may not use, disclose or permit access to CPNI to market to a customer service offerings that are within a category of service to which the customer does not already subscribe to from that carrier, unless the carrier has customer approval to do so, except as described in (c) (3) of this subsection. (2) The proposed Washington rules differ from the FCC rules regarding customer notification on CPNI, by the omission of one rule. Again, AT&T believes this to be an oversight and is providing the information, underscored below, for the Commission’s consideration. WAC 480-120-152(6)(b)(vi) If any portion of a notification is translated into another language, then all portions of the notification must be translated into that language. The numbering scheme, shown above, is the point where AT&T believes the Commission intended to insert the rule. Upon insertion of this rule, the remainder of the rules in WAC 480-120-152(6)(b)(current vi through ix) will need to be renumbered, forward, appropriately. The Washington proposed rules differ from the FCC rules by excluding commercial mobile radio service (CMRS) providers from the definition of telecommunications carriers, except where used as a substitute for wire line telecommunications in locations where wire line services are not available. AT&T agrees that this difference is appropriate since the FCC has jurisdiction over CMRS providers while the WUTC does not. The FCC recently released an order CC Docket No. 96-115, Order, FCC 98-239 (rel. September 24, 1998), that extended the deadline by which all telecommunications carriers must implement effective electronic safeguards to protect against unauthorized access to CPNI. AT&T is providing this order as an attachment, for your review. This extension of time is temporary and applies only to the electronic safeguards requirement while the FCC solicits comments on alternatives to the proposed rule. AT&T recommends that the Commission monitor this proceeding and modify the Washington rules, as appropriate, to conform with whatever electronic safeguard is eventually deemed appropriate. AT&T appreciates this opportunity to submit these comments and looks forward to participating with other interested parties in the Commission’s rulemaking hearing on October 28, 1998. Respectfully submitted this 2nd day of October, 1998. AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST, INC. _________________________________ Susan D. Proctor Maria Arias-Chapleau 1875 Lawrence Street, Suite 1575 Denver, CO 80202 (303) 298-6164