March 7, 2000 NOTICE OF OPPORTUNITY TO SUBMIT WRITTEN COMMENTS (April 12, 2000) AND NOTICE OF PROPOSED RULE ADOPTION HEARING (May 10, 2000) RE: Telephone Companies - Toll Carrier Obligations WAC 480-120-990 Docket No. UT-991573 TO INTERESTED PERSONS: The Commission has filed with the Code Reviser a supplemental notice of proposed rulemaking relating to toll carrier obligations. The proposal establishes a new section requiring toll carriers who offer interLATA toll calling to also provide intraLATA toll calling. Changes to the original proposal include (1) requiring 30 days’ notice to exit the market and (2) elimination of the requirement for statewide average toll rates. Enclosed are copies of the new draft rule and the supplemental CR-102 filed with the Code Reviser. Written comments in response to the CR-102 are welcome and should be submitted no later than April 12, 2000. The Commission also asks, but does not require, that commenting parties provide an original and 10 copies of their comments, and also to provide comments electronically via electronic mail or on a 3-1/2 inch high density floppy disk, in WordPerfect version 5.1 through 8.0 for IBM-compatible computers, labeled with the docket number, the date, the commenter’s name, and the type of software used. The Commission will post on its Internet web site, , all comments that it receives in electronic format. The proposal is scheduled for hearing before the Commissioners and possible adoption on May 10, 2000 at 9:30 a.m. This public hearing will be held in the Commission’s Hearing Room, Second Floor, Chandler Plaza Building, 1300 S. Evergreen Park Drive S.W., Olympia, Washington. Questions may be addressed to Betty Erdahl at 360-664-1283 or . Sincerely, CAROLE J. WASHBURN Secretary Enclosure NEW SECTION WAC 480-120-990 Toll Carrier Obligations. (1) Telecommunications companies offering originating toll service from an exchange must transmit toll calls to all other exchanges within the state and outside the local calling area. This requirement may be satisfied through toll service offerings of an affiliated company. This requirement does not apply to the extent a company is prohibited by law from offering toll service for calls between specified exchanges or areas. (2) A company may not charge different per-minute or per-unit prices for toll calls based on where the call terminates; however, it may charge different per-minute or per-unit prices based on distance if the schedule of distance-based charges applies to all calls from the exchange. (2) A telecommunications company offering originating toll service may not discontinue offering such service from an exchange until 30 days after it has notified all of its customers in that exchange, notified each company offering local exchange service within that exchange, and notified the commission by filing a tariff or price list revision. (3) The notice requirements of subsection (2) do not apply to any telecommunications company whose gross revenues from Washington intrastate toll service in the prior calendar year were less than $20 million. For the purposes of this calculation, the Washington intrastate toll revenues of all affiliated companies will be combined. * Please note that although this rule includes strikeouts and underlines for new language, this is a new rule and the comparison is with the Commission’s original proposal.