BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND ) TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION ) ) Complainant, ) ) v. ) DOCKET NO. UT-950200 ) U S WEST COMMUNICATIONS, INC. ) ) Respondent. ) U S WEST'S ANSWER TO METRONET'S AND FRONTIER’S COMMENTS RE COMPLIANCE FILINGS IN ADVICE NOS. 2911T AND 2913T U S WEST Communications, Inc. (U S WEST) files this response to the joint comments of Metronet Services Corporation (Metronet) and Frontier Telemanagement Inc. (Frontier) (joint commenters) regarding U S WEST’s compliance filings in Advice Nos. 2911T and 2913T. The filings, made on February 6, 1998, comply with the Commission’s order in this docket to file Centrex Plus Network Access Register (NAR) substitute rates so that they are “equivalent” to the rates for similar services. U S WEST filed these rates in compliance with the requirements of the 17th Supplemental Order and in compliance with the Commission’s discussion and clarification of those requirements set forth in the 23rd Supplemental Order denying reconsideration. The joint commenters’ entire dispute with the compliance filings turns on the issue of whether or not U S WEST was permitted to file a revenue neutral tariff as opposed to a net rate reduction. The joint commenters, because it is in their financial interest to do so, ignore those portions of the Commission’s orders which permit a revenue neutral filing and focus only on language taken out of context to support their argument that they should see a net decrease as a result of these filings. This is incorrect, as will be shown in the discussion below. A. The 17th Supplemental Order, Which Required Rate Equivalence, Does Not Prohibit Revenue Neutrality. The joint commenters complain that U S WEST’s filing is a rate redesign which results in substantial increases for some customers. (Comments at page 2, line 14.) However, such a result was specifically contemplated by the Commission, and thus is not a reason to reject the filings. The Commission discussed Centrex Plus tariff revisions in the 23rd Supplemental Order in this matter. The Commission specifically addressed the issue of whether the Centrex Plus tariff revisions might result in rate increases to some customers, stating “[w] e find that the changes that we directed to Centrex tariffed elements are for all practical purposes revenue neutral within the tariff although individual customers may find themselves paying more or less for the service depending upon their situation.” U S WEST believes that this statement is dispositive of the issue of whether the compliance filing should be revenue neutral to the company, and the issue of whether certain customers might see their overall bill go up as a result. In both cases, the answer is that such a result is contemplated and authorized. U S WEST’s filing proposes Centrex Plus “unblocked” usage rates (also referred to as NAR substitute rates) that result in a price that combined with the Network Access Channel (NAC) rate is equivalent to or less than the business basic exchange service rate. The current statewide business basic exchange service rate is $26.60. U S WEST’s proposed rates in Advice No. 2913T result in a comparable Centrex Plus “unblocked” network access arrangement cost of $26.60 for 1-20 lines, $25.25 for 21-50 lines and $12.07 for 51+ lines. The $12.07 rate assumes a distance of one mile from the serving central office. If the customer was 1.5 miles from the central office the rate would be $12.77. All customers are currently within 1.5 miles of the central office. See Exhibit 1. The combination of a Centrex Plus NAC with a Network Access Register (NAR) or NAR equivalent results in a service comparable to business basic exchange service. The rate design options presented by the joint commenters results in a 51+ line network access arrangement cost from a low of $7.46 to a high of $9.90. Their Option 1 proposal would reduce U S WEST annual revenues by as much as $2,250,840 Option 1 would reduce revenues by $2,250,840, option 2 would reduce revenues by $1.9 million and option 3 would reduce revenues by $1.4 million. These options are not acceptable particularly in light of the fact that U S WEST just completed a rate case that resulted in a settlement that still places U S WEST earnings below the currently authorized rate of return. and would result in rates 63%-72% lower than those paid by business basic exchange customers. This proposal clearly does not result in rates equivalent to similar service. It is correct that some customers will experience a rate increase should U S WEST’s tariff Advice No. 2913T be approved. However, only 7% (10) of the customers will experience an increase. There are currently 136 Centrex Plus customers who subscribe to the “unblocked” usage Centrex Plus network access arrangement option. 93% (126) of these current customers will experience a rate decrease if the rates filed by U S WEST in Advice No. 2913T are approved. The same ten customers who will experience a rate increase should U S WEST’s proposal be approved received a significant rate reduction when the Centrex Plus NAC rates were modified as required in the 23rd Supplemental Order. These same ten customers also can choose to purchase the Centrex Plus NAR access arrangement in lieu of the “unblocked” usage option and may in fact avoid a rate increase without compromising the quality of the service received. U S WEST will work with these customers to help them determine what their NAR requirements would be to receive equivalent service. Centrex Plus customers who subscribe to the NAR as opposed to the NAR substitute do not purchase a NAR for each Centrex Plus station line. The number of NARs purchased is based on the number of simultaneous calls place from a given Centrex Plus system during any given hour. U S WEST can complete a traffic study for these ten customers that will enable them to determine their NAR requirements should they choose to convert their network access arrangements from the NAR substitute. B. U S WEST’s Filing Will Not Stifle Competition. The joint commenters claim that the rate increase to the 51+ NAR substitutes falls disproportionately on resellers and thus will have an anti-competitive effect. This allegation is simply untrue. 50% of the resellers will experience a rate increase and 50% will experience a rate decrease. As previously discussed the majority of the customers (93%) will experience a rate decrease. As such, there is no disparate impact on resellers, nor is there any disparate positive impact on U S WEST’s retail customers. Furthermore, even if the rate increase had a disparate impact on one customer group, that would not necessarily make the rate design improper. The advocacy of the joint commenters indicates that they somehow believe that they are entitled to special protection as the standard bearers of competition. This is not a correct statement of either the law or the policy of Washington. The Commission has consistently held that carriers must pay the appropriate rates for the services they receive, and that the state and the Commission have no duty to subsidize or underwrite developing competition. In the Matter of Determining the Proper Classification of U.S. Metrolink Corp., Docket No. U-88-2370-J, Second Supplemental Order, May 1, 1989. If the Commission determines that the rate design and rate levels proposed in this compliance filing are consistent with the earlier orders in this docket, the effect on these two individual businesses cannot stand in the way of the approval of the tariffs. C. The Commission has Specifically Held that U S WEST is Entitled to Revenue Neutrality. The joint commenters focus only on the 15th and 17th Supplemental Orders, and argue that to comply with those orders, U S WEST must file rate reductions which are not revenue neutral. However, U S WEST raised this concern with the Commission in the post-hearing process, wherein U S WEST sought reconsideration and clarification from the Commission on the revenue effect of the Centrex Plus tariff revisions. In addition to the language quoted above, the Commission engaged in other discussion of the revenue neutrality issue in the 23rd Supplemental Order. The Commission’s discussion clearly indicates that it did not intend a net rate reduction with regard to Centrex Plus and that a revenue neutral filing would comply with the Commission’s directive: We stated in the Sixteenth Supplemental Order that we had insufficient information to gauge precisely the revenue effects of each of the decisions, but anticipated that adjustments might be required. We also stated in a later order that we had anticipated that the Company would begin the restructure of its Centrex tariffed rated in a manner to retain revenue levels. . . . We are satisfied that the direct effect of the tariff proposal is revenue neutral. . . . The Superior Court did stay those elements of the decision that were identified as reducing the Company’s revenues. We are concerned that the tariff might have been subject to the stay or should be seen as within the intent of the stay. However, neither the Company nor any party contended that this tariff provision should be seen as subject to the stay or should be treated consistently with the Superior Court’s decision (and therefore stayed or put in abeyance) as a negative revenue element. On closer examination, we do not believe that this rate is subject to the stay. Twenty-Third Supplemental Order, page 2. All the parties of this case are aware of this Order language and no party has objected to it. Thus, the Commission should reject the criticisms of this compliance filing and enter an order approving the tariffs in Advise Nos. 2911T and 2913T. CONCLUSION U S WEST requests that the Commission approve U S WEST's Centrex Plus tariff revisions as filed. Submitted this 20th day of February, 1998. By _________________________________ Lisa A. Anderl WSBA # 13236 Exhibit 1 RATE COMPARISON BUSINESS BASIC EXCHANGE RATE $26.60 CENTREX PLUS NETWORK ACCESS REGISTER $15.60 CURRENT RATES: CENTREX PLUS 1-20 21-50 51+ (4 qtr miles) Network Access Channel (NAC) $11.00 $ 9.65 $ 5.70 Unblocked Usage Charge 32.00 30.00 3.50 Total $43.00 $39.65 $ 9.20 U S WEST PROPOSAL: CENTREX PLUS 1-20 21-50 51+ (4 qtr miles) Network Access Channel (NAC) $11.00 $ 9.65 $ 5.70 Unblocked Usage Charge 15.60 15.60 6.37 Total $26.60 $25.25 $12.07 CENTREX PLUS 1-20 21-50 51+ (6 qtr miles) Network Access Channel (NAC) $11.00 $ 9.65 $ 6.40 Unblocked Usage Charge 15.60 15.60 6.37 Total $26.60 $25.25 $12.77 METRONET/FRONTIER PROPOSAL: CENTREX PLUS - Option 1 1-20 21-50 51+ (4 qtr miles) Network Access Channel (NAC) $11.00 $ 9.65 $5.70 Unblocked Usage Charge 15.60 15.60 1.76 Total $26.60 $25.25 $7.46 CENTREX PLUS - Option 2 1-20 21-50 51+ (4 qtr miles) Network Access Channel (NAC) $11.00 $ 9.65 $6.40 Unblocked Usage Charge 15.60 15.60 2.51 Total $26.60 $25.25 $ 8.91 CENTREX PLUS - Option 3 1-20 21-50 51+ (4 qtr miles) Network Access Channel (NAC) $11.00 $ 9.65 $6.40 Unblocked Usage Charge 15.60 15.60 3.50 Total $26.60 $25.25 $9.90