Agenda Date: April 12, 2000 Item No. 4A Docket: UT-990355 - First Revision to Interpretive and Policy Statement adopted by the Commission in Docket No. UT-990355. Company: Petition of Advanced Telecom Group, Inc., Nextlink Washington, Inc., Electric Lightwave, Inc., Frontier Local Services, Inc., and Frontier Telemanagement, Inc., for a Declaratory Order or Interpretive and Policy Statement on 47 U.S.C. ' 252(i) and 47 C.F.R. ' 51.809 Staff: Jing Roth, Regulatory Consultant Glenn Blackmon, Assistant Director - Telecommunications Recommendation: Adopt the attached Interpretive and Policy Statement ( " Policy Statement " ) as revised to implement Section 252 (i) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. Discussion: Procedural Background On June 15, 1999, the above-named competitive local exchange companies (CLECs), as joint petitioners, filed with the Commission a petition for declaratory order or a Commission interpretive and policy statement pursuant to RCW 34.05.240 and WAC 480-09-200 and 480-09- 230 (Petition). On June 29, 1999, the Commission served notice on interested persons calling for a statement of fact and law on the matters alleged in the Petition, and the applicability of the cited federal statutes and FCC rules to the request for a Commission declaratory order or interpretive and policy statement. The Commission was persuaded by comments to issue an interpretive and policy statement. The Commission released a draft policy statement on October 15, 1999, and asked for supplemental comments. In response, the Commission received comments from the Joint Petitioners, Airtouch Paging, U S WEST, GTE, American Telephone Technology, Inc. (ATTI), Covad Communications Company ( Covad), MCI Worldcom, Inc., and Level 3 Communications, Inc. (MCI), and Sprint Communications Company L.P. and United Telephone Company of the Northwest d/b/a/ Sprint (Sprint). The Commission adopted the Policy Statement on November 30, 1999. Contemporaneous with the adoption of an interpretive and policy statement, the Commission initiated a rulemaking to consider whether rules would be necessary to implement 47 U.S.C. ' 252(i) and 47 C.F.R. ' 51.809, and if so, what rules might be necessary. At a December 16 workshop to consider the need for such rule, most of the parties stressed the need for regulatory flexibility, and stated that the Commission's Section 252(i) Interpretive and Policy Statement provides adequate guidelines to resolve matters before the Commission. Rhythms Links and MCI Worldcom requested a rule to expedite the Commission's approval of Section 252(i) requests. The California Commission has adopted a rule to permit this type of interconnection agreement to become effective 15 days after the parties to the agreement notify the Commission, if no objections are received. Based on all the comments received, the Commission determined that a policy statement is more flexible than a rule with respect to pick and choose. The Commission concluded that it would not proceed with the rulemaking proceeding. The Commission therefore gave notice to close the rulemaking on January 14, 2000. Revisions to the Policy Statement Staff believes that expedited treatment for a request to adopt an existing agreement in its entirety has merit. Staff recommends that the Commission address this issue through modifications to the Interpretive and Policy Statement. Staff proposes that the following new paragraph (No. 31) be incorporated into the Policy Statement: When a carrier adopts a previously approved interconnection agreement in its entirety, the parties to that agreement must notify the Commission of the adoption. The notice shall identify the parties, state the intent to adopt a specific agreement in its entirety, the effective date, and the term of the agreement. If no objection is received within 15 days of the date the notice is filed, the carrier's request for adoption will be effective on the 16th day. If the Commission receives objections to a carrier's adoption of a previously approved agreement in its entirety, the Commission will either approve or reject the agreement within 90 days of the date the agreement is filed with the Commission. The Commission will reject such an agreement only if it finds that the agreement, as adopted by the parties, discriminates against any carrier not a party to the agreement, or if the agreement is not consistent with the public interest, convenience and necessity. Conclusion: Revising the Interpretive and Policy Statement as recommended by Staff will enhance local competition, and the policy statement will guide the Commission in developing its opinions and decisions regarding interconnection agreements. Therefore, Staff recommends that the Commission adopt and issue the revised policy statement attached to this memorandum. Link to Attachment: Interpretive and Policy Statement, First Revision, 2000/04/12