DOCKET NO. A-970591 May 27, 1998 Page 1 Agenda Date: May 27, 1998 Item Number: 4A Docket No.: A-970591 Company Names: Administrative - General Review of the Commission's procedural rules in Chapter 480-09 (Procedures) Staff: Bob Wallis, Review Judge Recommendation: File a notice of proposed rulemaking (CR-102) with the Code Reviser to begin the process of adopting and amending certain sections within chapter 480-09 WAC, the Commission’s procedural rules. Discussion: The Commission periodically reviews its procedural rules in light of experience, to assure that rules are reasonably clear and that they reasonably meet the needs of the Commission and persons who deal with the Commission. Staff has excluded some provisions from this review, believing that they require additional work with stakeholders, further study, and potentially -- in one instance --legislation. Those include rules regarding the protection of confidential information; filing general rate increase requests; formal investigations and fact finding; discovery processes; and a new provision on expedited petitions for enforcement of interconnection agreements. Those items are not included in this package and will be treated separately as Commission Staff and stakeholders are able to address them. In this review, Commission Staff also was operating under Executive Order No. 97-02 and looking more closely at clarity and the other review criteria established in the Order. Commission Staff have attended classes in Clear Rule Writing that demonstrated “new” ways to phrase rules, to be more clear, without losing their intended effect. The result of the Executive Order review is that the proposed package contains lots of cross-outs and lots of underlines. This is done principally in the pursuit of clear language. There are some changes in meaning; for example, there is a proposal for a change in the number of copies needed when filing documents, for example. In general we believe that those matters are relatively minor and have general acceptance. This proposal has been circulated to the stakeholders who have been following the proposal from the beginning. The suggestions received have been almost exclusively grammatical rather than substantive. In reviewing these rules, we realized that the organization of the chapter should be changed to further enhance public and stakeholder understanding. We recommend, however, that this step be delayed until the other issues mentioned above are largely addressed so that we minimize disruption and enhance the ease of transition. Commission Staff asks that the Commission direct the Secretary to file a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking with the Code Reviser to publish this proposal in the State Register as the next step toward adoption.