Agenda Date: February 23, 2000 Item Number: Docket: UT-993013 Company Name: GTE Northwest Incorporated, New Edge Network, Inc., d/b/a New Edge Network Staff: Tre Hendricks, Adminstrative Law Division Jacob Wexler, Telecommunications Policy Specialist Recommendation Approve the negotiated agreement for interconnection and resale of service between GTE Northwest Incorporated and New Edge Network, Inc., d/b/a New Edge Networks filed in Docket UT-993013, with the imposition of an additional state requirement that GTE’s proposed language for Article III, Section 2.2, replace that section as it is currently filed. Background On November 23, 1999, GTE Northwest Incorporated (GTE) and New Edge Network, Inc., d/b/a New Edge Networks (New Edge) filed a request to adopt an arbitrated interconnection agreement. The agreement consisted in its entirety of arrangements previously approved by the Commission on May 26, 1999, in Docket UT-990341 between GTE and Covad Communications Company. After reviewing the agreement Staff concluded that post termination language in Article III, Section 2.2 is not consistent with the Telecommunications Act of 1996, 47 U.S.C. §252(b)(1). The Act requires that parties negotiate for between 135 and 160 days before a party can request arbitration. 47 U.S.C. §252(b)(1). Section 2.2 of the New Edge agreement provides that a party must give notice 90 days prior to the expiration date if it wishes to terminate the agreement. As a result, the agreement may terminate while the parties are negotiating, but before their right to request arbitration under the Act has ripened. Thus, in the time period after the agreement terminates, but before the right to arbitration ripens, the Commission may not be able to settle disputes or grant relief. Staff has discussed this issue with GTE, and in a January 26, 2000 letter, GTE proposed language that satisfies staff’s concerns (see attached letter). In that letter, GTE agreed to use their proposed language in interconnection agreements it files with the Commission in the future, and expressed its ability to change language in agreements already filed with the Commission, but not yet approved. GTE has failed to submit the proposed language to replace Section 2.2 in the their agreement with New Edge. Staff believes that the proposed language is appropriate to include in the GTE - New Edge Agreement. Staff recommends that the Commission expressly approve this agreement, and impose the additional requirement that GTE’s proposed language for Article III, Section 2.2, replace that section as it was originally filed.