Agenda Date: August 11, 1999 Item Numbers: Dockets: UT-990985, et. al Staff: Fred Ottavelli, Senior Policy Strategist Teri Wallace, Transportation Specialist Kippi Walker, Customer Service Specialist Shannon Smith, Assistant Attorney General Recommendation: Initiate proceedings to classify as competitive the telecommunications companies named in Attachment A. Discussion: The Commission is authorized to competitively classify telecommunications companies on its own motion if it finds that the services provided by the companies are subject to effective competition. “Effective competition” means that a company’s customers have reasonably available alternatives and that the company does not have a significant captive customer base. In determining whether the services provided by a company are competitive, the Commission considers, at a minimum, the following factors set forth in RCW 80.36.320: (1) The number and sizes of alternative providers of services; (2) The extent to which services are available from alternative providers in the relevant market; (3) The ability of alternative providers to make functionally equivalent or substitute services readily available at competitive rates, terms, and conditions; and (4) Other indicators of market power, which may include market share, growth in market share, ease of entry, and the affiliation of providers of services. Competitive telecommunications companies are subject to minimal regulation. Minimal regulation means that a competitive telecommunications company may file price lists for its services, rather than tariffs. In addition to the ability to file price lists instead of tariffs, the Commission may waive other regulatory requirements for competitive companies. Staff proposes the Commission waive the statutes and rules set forth in Attachment B, Order Initiating Competitive Classification. It appears that all of the companies listed on Attachment A are subject to effective competition. Washington consumers have multiple, reasonably available alternatives when choosing a telecommunications provider. Many companies, including large diverse telecommunications companies, offer services in Washington that compete with services offered by the companies listed in Attachment A. These services are readily available to Washington consumers at competitive rates, terms, and conditions. The purpose of this proceeding is not simply to reduce the level of regulation but also to establish the appropriate level of regulation for these companies. Regulation of a company with significant market power entails scrutiny of its rates, profits, affiliated interest transactions, securities issues, and transfers, but the appropriate regulation of a competitive company focuses more on clear disclosure to customers of rates and terms and compliance with fair consumer practices. Moreover, unless a company is classified by the Commission as competitive, state law exempts it from the antitrust and consumer protection laws that apply to most other businesses. Notice of Opportunity to Comment Any person may file comments regarding the proposed competitive classification of the companies named in Attachment A, including comments regarding whether the Commission should set the competitive classification for hearing under chapter 34.05 RCW or a formal investigation and fact-finding under RCW 80.36.145. Comments must be received by the Commission on or before September 8, 1999. Recommendation For each of the companies listed in Attachment A, staff recommends the Commission issue an order in the designated docket numbers initiating competitive classification and provide notice of opportunity to file comments as set forth in Attachment B. The competitive classification of these companies, if approved, shall be effective September 22, 1999. The Commission will consider the competitive classification of the companies at an open meeting on September 22, 1999. Attachments