Agenda Date: March 10, 1999 Item Number: Docket: UW-990260 Company Name: Bliss Industries, Inc. d/b/a Y Bar S Water Company Staff: Danny P. Kermode, Revenue Requirements Specialist Recommendation: Issue a complaint and order against Bliss Industries, Inc., d/b/a Y Bar S Water Company (Y Bar S) to determine whether the rates and charges presently made, demanded and received by Y Bar S are fair, just, and reasonable. The water section staff also recommends the matter be set for hearing. Discussion: Y Bar S is located in King County and serves more than one hundred customers in Y Bar S and Highview Estates sub-divisions. On December 30, 1997 Y Bar S filed a tariff and rules and regulations with the Commission. On January 26, 1998, the water section staff contacted the company regarding rates being charged to Y Bar S customers. I had numerous conversations with representatives of the company including a final meeting with the company's president and owner last November 1998. Regrettably, the informal approach has not resulted in any progress in resolving the water section staff's concerns regarding rate structure and the financial viability of the company. The company indicated to the water section staff that by the beginning of 1999 the company would file for a rate review which would reduce current tariffed rates and charges. At this time, there had been no communication by any company representative to the Commission. Therefore, the water section staff believes the Commission has no alternative but to pursue this on a more formal level. The company's tariff includes a monthly "facilities charge" of $19.22 per month for some of its customers. According to the company's tariff, the charge is for the repayment of a $158,800 loan. However, in a letter to the Public Works Board the company states that the charge is for funding the $134,000 loan the company is requesting from the state revolving fund (SRF). (As of this date the SRF has not provided any money to Y Bar S). The water section staff's position is that the monthly facilities charge is excessive and should be removed from the company's tariff. The company has collected some of the monthly facilities charges "up front" from certain customers as a lump sum payments of $969 or $1,588. If the facts bear this out, the water section staff would like these amounts refunded to the customers. In addition, Y Bar S's tariff reflects a $3,000 service connection charge. It is the water section staff's opinion that this charge does not reflect the true cost of a service connection and is excessive. Current Rates: Monthly Metered Service for the first 750 Cubic Feet Per 100 cubic Feet Thereafter $34.50 0.98 Plus facilities charge of $19.22 per month Monthly Non-Metered Flat Rate $34.50 Plus facilities charge of $19.22 per month Docket UW-990260 The water section staff recommends that the Commission issue a complaint and order against Bliss Industries, Inc., d/b/a Y Bar S Water Company to determine whether the rates and charges presently made, demanded and received by Y Bar S are fair, just, and reasonable. The water section staff also recommends the matter be set for hearing