DOCKET UW-990206 Page 1 BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND ) TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION, ) ) Complainant, ) DOCKET UW-990206 ) vs. ) ) COMPLAINT AND ORDER Roche Harbor Water Systems, Inc., ) SUSPENDING TARIFF ) REVISIONS, INSTITUTING Respondent. ) INVESTIGATION, AND ) ORDERING REFUND On February 22, 1999, Roche Harbor Water Systems, Inc., (Roche Harbor or Company) filed tariff revisions with the Commission designated as: Third Revised Sheet No. W-1 Canceling Second Substitute Revised Sheet No. W-1 and Second Revised Sheet No. W-2 Canceling First Revised Sheet No. W-2. Roche Harbor has filed for general rates in the amount of approximately $5,212 or 3 percent of additional revenue per year. The company serves approximately 370 residential customers on San Juan Island. The Commission received no comments on this request. The company’s last general rate increase was September 1994. The company has received a Facilities Construction Charge which increased rates to all customers. The surcharge is as follows: Facilities Construction Charge Start Date Stop Date Amount Unmetered Rate Service 5/97 6/02 $ 14.75 Metered Rate Service per 1,000 gallons $ 2.86 The current and proposed rates are provided below: Current per Proposed per Monthly Rate 1,000 Gallon 1,000 Gallons Metered Rate Schedule Up to 5,000 gallons (668 cuft) $ 25.00 $ 25.75 Between 5,000 and 10,000 gallons 3.00 3.10 Over 10,000 gallons (1,337 cuft) 5.50 5.70 Unmetered Rate Service $ 25.00 $ 25.75 Regulatory services staff has requested financial records and information to support the filing. Roche Harbor's manager has found this request to be overly burdensome. The data request ask for proposed rule minimum tariff filing requirements. The company has agreed to supply an income statement, balance sheet, usage statistics and revenue impact statement for the test period. It appearing that the filing herein would provide charges and rates for water service rendered by respondent and that the rights and interests of the public might be injuriously affected thereby, it is the decision of the Commission to enter upon public hearing or hearings concerning such charges and the reasonableness and justness thereof and to suspend the operation of the above filing pending such hearing or hearings and decision thereon. The Commission deems it necessary in order to carry out the duties imposed upon it by law to investigate the books, accounts, practices and activities of respondent, to make a valuation or appraisal of the property of respondent and to investigate and appraise various phases of the operation of respondent. O R D E R IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED: 1. The operation of the above tariff filing, filed herein February 22, 1998, is hereby suspended. 2. A hearing or hearings, on the Commission's own motion, shall be held at such times and places as may be required. 3. No change or alteration shall be made in the tariff filing filed herein, during the period of suspension, unless authorized by the Commission. 4. An investigation is hereby instituted by the Commission. 5. Respondent shall pay the expenses reasonably attributable and allocable to such investigation to the extent the requirement for such payment may be in accordance with the provisions of chapter 80.20 RCW. DATED at Olympia, Washington, and effective this 31st day of March, 1999. WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MARILYN SHOWALTER, Chairwoman RICHARD HEMSTAD, Commissioner WILLIAM R. GILLIS, Commissioner