BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND ) TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION ) DOCKET UW-970542 ) Complainant ) COMPLAINT AND ORDER vs. ) SUSPENDING ) TARIFF REVISIONS Frog Pond Waters, Inc. ) ) Respondent ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) On March 25, 1997, Frog Pond Waters, Inc., (Frog Pond) filed with the Commission revisions to its currently effective tariff, in Docket UW-970542. The company is requesting an increase in its rates of approximately $44,000 per year. Frog Pond currently serves approximately 470 customers in the Seabeck Area of Kitsap County. The water company filed with the Commission revisions to its currently effective Tariff WN U-1, designated as: Fourth Revision of Sheet No. 21 First Revision of Sheet No. 22 The stated effective date is April 30, 1997. On May 18, 1997, Frog Pond requested an extension to the effective date until May 29, 1997. The rate filing requests an increase to cover the increased cost of operations and to recover the cost of well #6 which was installed in 1995. The company states that this increase will enable them to continue upgrading the water system as outlined in their comprehensive water system plan. The average monthly usage per customer is approximately 2,839 cubic feet. Currently the company does not bill metered rates and all customers are billed at the flat rate. It appearing that the support documentation of the tariff revisions has not provided necessary information for Commission staff to determine if the terms are fair, just, reasonable, and sufficient, and that the rights and interest of the public might be injuriously affected thereby, it is the decision of the Commission to enter upon public hearing or hearings concerning such proposed changes and the reasonableness and justness thereof and to suspend the operation of the above tariffs pending such hearing or hearings and decision thereon. Docket: UW-970542 Page 1 In accordance with RCW 80.04.130, the burden of proof to show that such proposed charges are fair, just, reasonable, and sufficient shall be upon the respondent. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED: 1. The operation of the above tariff revisions, filed herein on March 25, 1997, is hereby suspended. 2. A hearing or hearings, on the Commission's own motion, shall be held at such times and places as may be required. 3. No change or alteration shall be made in the contract filed herein, during the period of suspension, unless authorized by the Commission. DATED at Olympia, Washington, and effective this th day of May, 1997. WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION SHARON L. NELSON, Chairman RICHARD HEMSTAD, Commissioner WILLIAM R. GILLIS, Commissioner