DOCKET NO. UE-950599 Page 1 BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION In the Matter of the Special ) Contract Filed by Puget Sound ) DOCKET NO. UE-950599 Power & Light Company; and the ) Requested Waiver of the Thirty-day ) SECOND SUPPLEMENTAL ORDER The Commission approved the original contract by Order dated May 31, 1995. A Commission Order, approving a subsequent amendment to the contract, dated July 12, 1995, should have been denominated the First Supplemental Order; that change is effected by this reference. Advance Filing Requirement ) APPROVING CONTRACT ) AMENDMENT ON LESS THAN ) THIRTY-DAY NOTICE On January 20, 1999, Puget Sound Energy, Inc. (PSE), successor in interest to Puget Sound Power & Light Company, filed with the Commission an amendment to its May 30, 1995 Power Sales Agreement with Arco Products Company (ARCO). The amendment, in the form of a Letter Agreement, extends for six (6) months, from September 30, 2000, to March 31, 2001, the term of the Power Sales Agreement previously approved by the Commission in Docket No. UE-950599. The filed Letter Agreement denotes an effective date of February 1, 1999, for the proposed amendment. PSE requests that statutory notice be waived and that the Commission issue an order approving the Letter Agreement on January 27, 1999. The purpose of the filing is to provide for extension of the current Power Sales Agreement between PSE and ARCO to facilitate on-going negotiations between the companies regarding terms and conditions under which PSE would continue to provide electrical service to ARCO after March 31, 2001. Since the January 20 Letter Agreement extending the term of the contract and PSE’s request for waiver of statutory notice are not inconsistent with the public interest, the Commission should grant the requested waiver and allow the contract amendment to become effective on February 1, 1999. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. Puget Sound Energy, Inc., is an electric company subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission. 2. After reviewing PSE’s January 20, 1999, Letter Agreement, and giving consideration to all relevant matters and for good cause shown, the Commission finds that the Letter Agreement between Puget Sound Energy, Inc., and Arco Products Company should become effective February 1, 1999. The term of the Power Sales Agreement between PSE and ARCO should be extended from September 30, 2000, to March 31, 2001. ORDER THE COMMISSION ORDERS That Puget Sound Energy's January 20, 1999, requested waiver of statutory notice regarding its Power Sales Agreement Amendment with Arco Products Company is granted, and the Amendment is effective February 1, 1999. DATED at Olympia, Washington, and effective this 27th day of January 1999. WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION CAROLE J. WASHBURN Secretary