Agenda Date: November 29, 2000 Item Number: Docket: UW-001657 Company Name: Gamble Bay Water, Inc. Staff: Jim Ward, Revenue Requirements Specialist Penny Hanson, Public Involvement Coordinator Recommendation: Issue a Complaint and Order Suspending the Tariff Revisions filed by Gamble Bay Water, Inc., in Docket UW-001657. Discussion: On October 30, 2000, Gamble Bay Water, Inc., filed tariff revisions with the Commission to implement a new surcharge. The stated effective date is December 6, 2000. Gamble Bay Water, Inc., serves approximately 260 customers in Kitsap and Snohomish counties. The tariff revisions will cancel expired surcharges and implement a new surcharge of $2.27 monthly. The new surcharge would apply to all customers of the Company and would be used to repay a loan over five (5) years. The loan is being used to pay for drilling a new well on the Johanson water system located in Kitsap County. The proposed cost of the new well is $27,500 and it will be used to replace an existing well source that has failed. The revenue impact per customer will be approximately $27.24 per year. The Commission has received two consumer complaints. These complaints pertained to not being able to get a response from the Company. Commission Staff is investigating these complaints. The Company has not yet demonstrated that the proposed rates are fair, just, reasonable, and sufficient. Therefore, Staff recommends that the Commission Issue a Complaint and Order Suspending the Tariff Revisions filed by Gamble Bay Water, Inc., in Docket UW-001657.