Agenda Date: September 13, 2000 Item Number: Docket: UT - 001239 Company Name: ICG Telecom Group, Inc. Staff: David Dittemore, Telecommunications Engineer Recommendation: Approve the request of ICG Telecom Group, Inc., for an extension of time until October 31, 2000 to implement the 206-859 prefix. Discussion: State commissions such as the WUTC received authority in July 2000 to reclaim telephone prefixes from telephone companies if the prefixes are not being used consistent with federal guidelines. In particular, a company must return any prefix assigned to it if it has not begun assigning telephone numbers to end users within six months of receipt of the prefix. In exercising this authority, the WUTC must give the company an opportunity to explain the circumstances causing the delay in activating and using the prefix. On August 16, 2000, ICG Telecom Group, Inc., asked the WUTC to grant it an extension for the 206-859 prefix. The six-month deadline expired on April 24, 2000. ICG has asked for an extension until October 31, 2000. The specific reasons for ICG's delay in activating the 206-859 prefix have been designated confidential by the company. Staff has reviewed the specific circumstances cited by the company and believes that its request should be granted. As ICG notes, if the WUTC were to order ICG to return the code, the code administration process would then permit the company to obtain another prefix. However, it would be a different prefix, and both ICG and other companies would have to revise switch translations and routing and rating tables to reflect the new prefix. Conclusion Staff recommends that the implementation deadline be extended as requested.