Date: March 29, 2000 Items: 2F, 2G, 2H, 2I, 2J, 2K, and 2L Dockets and Companies: UT-000372 Toledo Telenet Long Distance Company (Toledo) UT-000373 Coin Telecom, Inc. (St. John) UT-000374 Pioneer Telephone Long Distance Company (Pioneer) UT-000375 Tenkal Company (Tenino/Kalama) UT-000376 Inland Long Distance Company (Inland) UT-000377 Hood Canal Communications Long Distance, Inc. (Hood Canal) UT-000378 Western Long Distance, Inc. (Whidbey) Staff Team: Tim Zawislak, Policy Research Specialist Jing Roth, Regulatory Consultant David Dittemore, Utilities Engineer Tami Schultz, Telecommunications Analyst Teri Wallace, Telecommunications Analyst Tani Thurston, Consumer Program Specialist Penny Hansen, Public Involvement Coordinator Recommendation : Issue an Order Granting Limited Waiver of WAC 480-120-139, for the initial transfer of intraLATA toll customers from U S WEST Communications, Inc., on March 31, 2000. Background: On March 1, 2000, the above-named companies filed petitions with the Commission to provide intrastate, intraLATA, interexchange toll service, through resale. The seven companies listed above are new companies which are affiliated with well-established small, rural, independent incumbent local exchange companies (ILECs)1 in Washington. These new companies seek registration, competitive classification, and price list approval in order to offer intraLATA toll service to customers scheduled to be abandoned by U S WEST Communications, Inc., at the end of this month.2 The registration, classification, and price list filings are all standard filings and are therefore on the consent agenda of this open meeting under Dockets UT-000288, UT-000289, UT-000290, UT-000291, UT-000292, UT-000299, and UT-000300. Although other intraLATA toll providers are available in these areas, the above-named applicants = affiliates see this change as an opportunity to better serve related local customers by providing service as a carrier of last resort, in place of U S WEST. Other independent ILECs who are not pursuing this opportunity are requiring customers (who have U S WEST as their intraLATA toll carrier) to choose a new carrier. The above-named applicants are, in effect, offering themselves as the default carrier in the event a customer does not wish, or fails, to make a choice. Additionally, the companies have committed in their transmittal letters to give all new customers a choice of all available intraLATA and interLATA carriers. Discussion of Waiver Request: On March 14, 2000, the above-named companies filed a petition requesting that the Commission grant a limited waiver of WAC 480-120-139 for the initial transfer of customers from U S WEST Communications, Inc. (U S WEST). Essentially, the request for limited waiver would enable the companies to switch customers from U S WEST, to themselves, without the customer authorization required in the Commission = s slamming rule, WAC 480-120-139. Staff supports this approach, in this instance, because the companies have notified affected customers, and have all agreed to replace U S WEST as the A carrier of last resort @ in their respective serving areas. The customer notices were sent to customers earlier this month and were reviewed by the Commission = s Public Affairs Section staff prior to mailing. Customers have been informed of their options, and have been given the opportunity to change to another carrier (besides the new affiliates), without incurring a presubscribed interexchange carrier change (PIC) charge, up to June 1, 2000. This process is similar to what the Commission has previously granted through Docket UT-990976. A sample notice is included as an attachment to this memo. Conclusion: Staff therefore recommends that the Commission issue an order granting limited waiver of WAC 480-120-139, for the initial transfer of intraLATA toll customers, on March 31, 2000. 1 The ILEC associated with each new company is listed to the right of each, in parentheses. 2 U S WEST Communications, Inc., (U S WEST) has elected to exit the intraLATA toll market in all independent local exchange company areas, except that of CenturyTel, effective March 31, 2000. U S WEST continues to provide intraLATA toll to customers in local exchange areas where it provides local service.