Agenda Date: November 30, 1999 Item No.: Docket: UT-990355 Company: Petition of Advanced Telecom Group, Inc., Nextlink Washington, Inc., Electric Lightwave, Inc., Frontier Local Services, Inc., and Frontier Telemanagement, Inc., for a Declaratory Order or Interpretive and Policy Statement on 47 U.S.C. § 252(i) and 47 C.F.R. § 51.809 Staff: Jing Roth, Regulatory Consultant Glenn Blackmon, Assistant Director - Telecommunications Recommendation: Adopt the attached Interpretive and Policy Statement (“ Policy Statement”) to implement Section 252 (i) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. Discussion: Procedural Background On June 15, 1999, the above-named competitive local exchange companies (CLECs), as joint petitioners, filed with the Commission a petition for declaratory order or a Commission interpretive and policy statement pursuant to RCW 34.05.240 and WAC 480-09-200 and 480-09-230 (Petition). On June 29, 1999, the Commission served notice on interested persons calling for a statement of fact and law on the matters alleged in the Petition, and the applicability of the cited federal statutes and FCC rules to the request for a Commission declaratory order or interpretive and policy statement. Commission Staff is generally persuaded by comments received in this matter that the Commission should issue an interpretive and policy statement. The Commission released a draft policy statement on October 15, 1999, and asked for supplemental comments. In response, the Commission received comments from the Joint Petitioners, Airtouch Paging, U S WEST, GTE, American Telephone Technology, Inc. (ATTI), Coved Communications Company ( Coved), MCI Worldcom, Inc. and Level 3 Communications, Inc. (MCI), and Sprint Communications Company L.P. and United Telephone Company of the Northwest d/b/a/ Sprint (Sprint). Contemporaneous with the adoption of an interpretive and policy statement, Commission Staff recommended that the Commission initiate a rulemaking to consider whether rules are necessary to implement 47 U.S.C. § 252(i) and 47 C.F.R. § 51.809, and if so, what rules might be necessary. The Commission has asked for comments by December 3, 1999. Commission Staff’s Response to Commenters’ Requests for Modifications to the Recommended Interpretive and Policy Statement Staff believes that the proposed policy statement is reasonable. Staff appreciates the interested parties’ efforts to address their concerns regarding the policy statement. Although Staff did not make any substantive changes to the draft policy statement, Staff did make several textual changes to the policy statement. The majority of the comments centered on Principles 3, 6, 7, and 8 of the policy statement. Some parties expressed concern that Principles 6 and 7 are inconsistent. For example, the Joint Petitioners have suggested that the Principle 7 be eliminated because it conflicts with Principle 6 and it is inconsistent with federal law. (Joint Petitioners’ Comments, at 2). Staff disagrees. Principles 6 and 7 address two different issues the Commission is facing with arbitrations, and in enforcement proceedings pursuant to WAC 480-09-530. Principle 6 provides that any interconnection arrangements in existing agreements be made available by incumbent local exchange carriers (ILECs) for “pick and choose” by competing carriers. In this instance, Staff interprets “a reasonable period of time” as the entire duration of the interconnection agreement before the expiration date. On the other hand, Principle 7 addresses the “subsequently” negotiated and arbitrated arrangements between ILECs and CLECs. In this instance, a CLEC with an existing, effective interconnection agreement may amend its agreement by picking and choosing arrangements that were not available when the CLEC negotiated or arbitrated its existing agreement. These arrangements are new because they were subsequently negotiated and/or arbitrated. Staff also believes that the proposed Principle 7 is consistent with the federal law. 47 C.F.R. §51.809(c) states that “individual interconnection, service, or network element arrangements shall remain available for use by telecommunications carriers pursuant to this section for a reasonable period of time after the approved agreement is available for public inspection under 252(f) of the Act.” Staff understands the phrase “a reasonable period of time” to mean that state commissions should not only be flexible in quantifying the time period but also should maintain competitive neutrality. Therefore, Staff believes that the proposed Principle 7 is consistent with federal law. Some parties have suggested modifications to Principles 3 and 8. After considering the suggested modifications, Staff recommends no change to Principle 3 because Staff believes that any amendments to an existing agreements should not automatically be applied to a CLEC who has adopted the original agreement. In addition, Staff believes that the newly amended arrangement should be made available for pick and choose. Staff has eliminated the last two sentences in its recommended Principle 8. The fundamental purpose of Principle 8 is to limit the availability of interconnection arrangements to the time period during which they are available under the agreement from which they are selected. This is to ensure non-discriminatory treatment of carriers and to create incentives for good faith negotiation. Conclusion: Issuing an interpretive and policy statement as recommended by staff will enhance local competition, and the policy statement will serve as guidelines for the Commission in developing its opinions and decisions regarding interconnection agreements. Therefore, Staff recommends that the Commission adopt and issue the policy statement attached to this memorandum. Attachment