For Immediate Release Nov. 13, 1998 TR-961002/No. 13 Proposed settlement agreement reached in Winlock rail crossing closure Olympia, WA. - On October 21, 1998, a proposed settlement agreement was signed by Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad Company (BNSF), the City of Winlock, Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), and the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission Staff (WUTC) regarding the current proposal to close the Walnut Street railroad crossing. The proposed settlement agreement allows the Walnut Street railroad crossing to remain open and receive some needed improvements, such as reducing the hazard for low-clearance trucks. At the same time, the proposal calls for the Campbell Street crossing to be closed to vehicular traffic and converted to a private pedestrian-only crossing. The Campbell Street Crossing will be left open to vehicular traffic until the construction and repairs are completed on the Walnut Street Crossing. The agreement also proposes to fix the drainage problem that occurs between Fir and Campbell streets. Also in the agreement, BNSF would petition the commission to increase freight and passenger train speeds through Winlock to the federally approved speeds of 60 mph for freight trains and 79 mph for passenger trains depending on curve restrictions. The City of Winlock has agreed not to oppose this petition once all repairs and safety improvements have been completed. The City of Winlock has agreed to enact city ordinances prohibiting the use of the Walnut Street crossing by any low-clearance trucks and would also pass an ordinance to prohibit trespassing on the railroad by pedestrians. These ordinances will include appropriate penalties for violation and will be enforced by the City of Winlock. This agreement calls for WSDOT, BNSF and the City of Winlock to start construction by no later than the summer of 1999. There will be a public hearing to address both the proposed settlement agreement and the closure of the Campbell Street crossing. The meeting is scheduled at 6:30 p.m., Monday Nov. 23 at the Olequa Senior Center, 119 S.W. Kerron Avenue in Winlock. If you would like to comment, but can not attend the public hearing, please write to Secretary, of the WUTC at P.O. Box 47250, Olympia, WA, 98504 or you may e-mail at no later than November 20, 1998. If you have any questions about the commission's process, you may contact the commission at 1-800-562-6150. ###