Agenda Date: August 13, 1997 Item Number: Docket: UT-970300 Company Names: In the Matter of the Investigation Into U S WEST Communications Inc.'s Compliance with Section 271 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 Staff: Bob Wallis, Review Judge Recommendation: Enter an order in Docket UT-970300 adopting a policy statement setting out the information and the procedures that the Commission requires from U S WEST when the Company files an application with the Federal Communications Commission to enter regional message toll competition. Discussion: Under Section 271 of the Federal Telecommunications Act, an incumbent regional Bell operating company (RBOC) can enter regional long distance competition after demonstrating to the FCC that competition exists for local exchange service. A State Commission may “consult” with the FCC by submitting a report in writing, within 20 days after the Company’s filing, addressing the Company’s compliance in that State with requirements for entering regional toll competition. The Commission started this procedure shortly after the start of 1997 to address questions it had about the application of the law, and to establish a process for responding in a knowledgeable and timely manner when U S WEST files its Section 271 application. The Commission invited comments on specific questions and on the subject generally. It held a workshop for participation of interested persons. Several Commission Staff members have participated in working from the opinions expressed and the materials provided to the Commission. Staff recommends entering the attached Order, which resolves the questions that the Commission asked about the Section 271 process. The Order determines that sufficient information is available to resolve matters, but recognizes that in several areas it may be advantageous to explore more specific standards. The Order adopts an interim policy statement, to be effective unless and until superseded, and establishes a schedule for submission of further information and comment, and for a workshop on the identified topics. The Order also provides for further comment on the Order and Policy Statement generally.