BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION In the Matter of the Petition of ) ) DOCKET NO. UT-990022 U S WEST COMMUNICATIONS, INC. ) ) for Competitive Classification of its ) THIRD SUPPLEMENTAL ) ORDER High Capacity Circuits in Selected ) GRANTING INTERVENTION Geographical Locations. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) BACKGROUND On February 11, 1999, a prehearing conference in this matter was convened in Olympia, Washington, before Administrative Law Judge Terrence Stapleton (ALJ). On February 16, 1999, the Washington Telecommunications Ratepayers Association for Cost-based and Equitable Rates (TRACER) filed with the Commission a petition for late intervention. The presiding ALJ entered the First Supplemental Order on Prehearing Conference (Order) on February 19, 1999, granting TRACER’s petition for late intervention. U S WEST Communications, Inc. (U S WEST), on March 1, 1999, filed its objection to the Order as to the grant of late intervention to TRACER. The Commission gave notice of U S WEST’s objection to TRACER’s intervention on March 3, 1999, and called for responses to U S WEST’s objection no later than March 8, 1999. The Commission received responses from Commission Staff, Electric Lightwave, Inc., NEXTLINK Washington, Inc., AT&T Communications of the Pacific Northwest, Inc., MCIMETRO Access Transmission Services, Inc., MetroNet Services Corporation, and TRACER supporting intervention. MEMORANDUM TRACER petitioned for late intervention stating that 1) the Notice of Prehearing Conference in this matter was received February 5, 1999, only four days prior to the prehearing conference, and 2) TRACER’s counsel was attending a conference out-of-state at that time, and was not aware of the prehearing conference until after it had occurred. TRACER avers no party is likely to be prejudiced by its late intervention, and that it does not seek modification of the procedural schedule. The Prehearing Conference Order notified the parties that any objection to the provisions of the Order must be filed within ten days after its service date, pursuant to WAC 480-09-460(2). U S WEST timely filed its objection to the Order to the extent it grants the Petition of TRACER for Late Intervention. U S WEST opposes TRACER’s petition for failing to state good cause for late filing, contending 1) that TRACER was aware of the filing by U S WEST, 2) that the matter was to be sent to hearing, and 3) that a prehearing conference would be scheduled. Further, the failure of TRACER’s counsel to note the scheduling of the prehearing conference and provide for substitute counsel is not good cause for its failure to appear. The responses of Commission Staff, Electric Lightwave, Inc., NEXTLINK Washington, Inc., AT&T Communications of the Pacific Northwest, Inc., MCIMETRO Access Transmission Services, Inc., and MetroNet Services Corporation note variously that good cause has been stated for the failure to appear at the prehearing conference; that neither U S WEST nor any other party will be prejudiced by TRACER’s intervention; that the proceedings will not be delayed by granting intervention; and that TRACER’s intervention and representation of its member customers is in the public interest. The Commission agrees with Commission Staff and Intervenors that TRACER has stated sufficient cause for its failure to appear at the prehearing conference. Further, we accept TRACER’s representations that its intervention will not delay the proceedings nor prejudice any party in developing and presenting its case. Finally, the Order Setting the Petition for Hearing and Requiring Notice to Affected Customers; and Notice of Prehearing Conference requires that notice and opportunity to participate in this proceeding be given to U S WEST’s wholesale and retail customers. As representative of many such customers, TRACER’s appearance and participation meets the Commission’s directive to U S WEST and is in the public interest. ORDER THE COMMISSION ORDERS That the objection of U S WEST to the prehearing conference order in this matter is rejected and that grant of the petition of TRACER for late intervention is affirmed. DATED at Olympia, Washington, and effective this 10th day of March 1999. WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MARILYN SHOWALTER, Chairwoman RICHARD HEMSTAD, Commissioner WILLIAM R. GILLIS, Commissioner