BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND ) DOCKET NO. UE-981238 TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION, ) ) SEVENTH SUPPLEMENTAL ) Complainant, ) ORDER v. ) ) PUGET SOUND ENERGY, ) ORDER APPROVING AND ) ADOPTING STIPULATION Respondent. ) AND SETTLEMENT ) AGREEMENT ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) PROCEEDINGS: This proceeding concerns Puget Sound Energy’s (PSE) filing to establish a fair, just, reasonable, and sufficient optional firming rate under the company’s rate Schedule 48 (Optional Large Power Sales Rate) for the period November 1, 1998, through October 31, 1999. On November 3, 1999, PSE and the Industrial Customers of Northwest Utilities, together with its members who take service under Schedule 48, filed a Stipulation and Settlement Agreement that would resolve all issues in this proceeding, establish the optional firming rate under Schedule 48 for present and future periods, result in certain tariff revisions to Schedule 48, and lead PSE to voluntarily dismiss with prejudice its pending Petition for Review of Agency Action, Case No. 99-2-01673-1, Thurston County Superior Court, which concerns the Commission’s final order in Docket No. UE-981410. Commission Staff does not oppose the proposed Stipulation and Settlement Agreement. PARTIES: Matthew Harris, attorney, Seattle, Washington, represents Puget Sound Energy (PSE). Bradley Van Cleve and Melinda J. Horgan, attorneys, Portland, Oregon, represent the Industrial Customers of Northwest Utilities, Air Liquide America Corporation, Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., The Boeing Company, Equilon Enterprises LLC, and Tesoro Northwest Company (collectively ICNU). Simon ffitch, Assistant Attorney General, Seattle, Washington, represents Public Counsel. Public Counsel did not participate actively in this proceeding. Robert Cedarbaum, Assistant Attorney General, Olympia, Washington represents Commission Staff (Staff). COMMISSION: The Commission approves the Stipulation and Settlement Agreement as a full and final resolution of the issues in this proceeding, adopts the Stipulation and Settlement Agreement and makes it part of this Order, and authorizes and requires that PSE make appropriate compliance filings to effectuate the terms of the Stipulation and Settlement Agreement. MEMORANDUM Background and Procedural History. PSE’s Schedule 48, Optional Large Power Sales Rate, provides market-based pricing for PSE’s industrial and large commercial customers. The Commission approved Schedule 48 in Docket No. UE-960696, effective November 1, 1996. Adoption of Schedule 48 recognized a “non-core” customer class whose members elect under PSE’s tariff to bear risks of power unavailability and price variability. Schedule 48 provides for “optional firming” service to allow customers to receive the equivalent of firm, or “core,” service. The Commission approved a $0.50 per kVa-month rate for optional firming service. That rate was to remain effective until November 1998, when it was to be redetermined based on market prices; annual redetermination is required for subsequent years. PSE Electric Tariff G, Third Revised Sheet No. 48-a. On September 28, 1998, PSE filed to adjust the rate for optional firming effective November 1, 1998 through October 31, 1999. The company’s proposed tariff revision would establish a $0.46 per kVa-month rate. PSE contends this represents the then-current market price for service. On October 28, 1998, the Commission issued its Complaint and Order Suspending Tariff Revisions and Order Authorizing Temporary Rates. The Order states: Since Schedule 48, as originally filed and approved by the Commission on October 31, 1996, requires that a new rate for Optional Firming Service be in effect on November 1, 1998, the Commission determines that the proposed rate for the service shall be authorized on a temporary basis, subject to refund pending investigation and hearing(s), until such time as a final determination can be made with respect to the proposed rates. Administrative Law Judge Dennis J. Moss conducted prehearing conferences at the Commission’s offices in Olympia, Washington on December 15, 1998, January 8, 1999, and September 2, 1999. The January 8, 1999, conference was a joint conference with Air Liquide America Corporation, Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., The Boeing Company, Equilon Enterprises LLC, and Tesoro Northwest Co. v. Puget Sound Energy, Docket No. UE-981410, a related complaint proceeding. One result of the January 8, 1999 conference was an agreement by the parties, endorsed by the presiding officer, to hold Docket No. UE-981238 in abeyance pending the conclusion of Docket No. UE-981410. Docket No. UE-981410 was concluded before the Commission by entry of a final order on August 3, 1999. PSE appealed the Commission’s final order to the Thurston County Superior Court by a Petition for Review of Agency Action, Case No. 99-2-01673-1. One purpose of the September 2, 1999, conference in this proceeding was to establish a procedural schedule. Among other things, evidentiary hearings were scheduled for November 9-10, 1999, and simultaneous briefs were set for filing on November 24, 1999. On October 8, 1999, counsel for Staff filed a letter including an agreed request for continuance pursuant to WAC 480-09-440 (6). The Commission granted the request for continuance to permit the parties an opportunity to conclude ongoing settlement negotiations. On November 3, 1999, PSE and the Industrial Customers of Northwest Utilities, together with its members who take service under Schedule 48, filed a Stipulation and Settlement Agreement that would resolve all issues in this proceeding, establish the optional firming rate under Schedule 48 for present and future periods, result in certain tariff revisions to Schedule 48, and lead PSE to voluntarily dismiss with prejudice its pending Petition for Review of Agency Action, Case No. 99-2-01673-1, Thurston County Superior Court, which concerns the Commission’s final order in Docket No. UE-981410. Commission Staff does not oppose the proposed Stipulation and Settlement Agreement. On November 30, 1999, the Commission conducted hearing proceedings to receive the proposed Stipulation and Settlement Agreement into the record of this proceeding and to inquire into the terms of the Stipulation and Settlement Agreement. Stipulation and Settlement Agreement. On November 3, 1999, PSE and the Industrial Customers of Northwest Utilities, together with its members who take service under Schedule 48, filed a Stipulation and Settlement Agreement that would resolve all issues in this proceeding. Staff does not oppose the proposed Stipulation and Agreement. The essential terms of the Stipulation and Settlement Agreement, which we adopt by reference and append to this Order, are as follows: •The order of suspension should be lifted in this Docket and the $0.46 firming rate originally filed should be effective for the period November 1, 1998 through November 30, 1999. •PSE must file within a time certain all necessary pleadings to effect a voluntary dismissal with prejudice of PSE’s pending Petition for Review of Agency Action, Case No. 99-2-01673-1, Thurston County Superior Court. •PSE must file within a time certain all necessary documents to withdraw the proposed revisions to Schedule 48 that have a requested effective date of November 16, 1999. Concurrent with that filing, PSE shall file proposed tariff revisions to modify certain language in Section III.1 of Schedule 48, as provided more specifically in the Settlement Agreement. The customers will support the proposed tariff revisions. •The optional firming rate for the period December 1, 1999, through October 31, 2000, willl be $0.46 per kVa-month. •Schedule 48 customers have until November 30, 1999, to elect optional firming for the period December 1, 1999, through October 31, 2000. In future years, Schedule 48 customers must elect optional firming service no later than October 31, for the succeeding 12-month period. •PSE and the Schedule 48 customers must attempt, in good faith and using reasonable best efforts, to develop, propose, and implement a collaborative process for setting the optional firming rate commencing in 2000. If this effort fails by March 31, 2000, the optional firming rate for the period November 1, 2000, through October 31, 2001, will be $0.46 per kVa-month. •Other than changes contemplated by the Settlement Agreement, neither PSE nor the Schedule 48 customers will file or support material changes to Schedule 48 to be effective before October 31, 2001. Commission’s Analysis and Decision. The Commission is satisfied on the basis of the record, including the Commission’s inquiry conducted by hearing proceedings on November 30, 1999, that the proposed Stipulation and Settlement Agreement reflects a full and fair resolution of the issues pending in this proceeding. The Stipulation and Settlement Agreement accordingly should be, and is, approved and adopted as a final resolution of the Commission’s Complaint and Order Suspending Tariff Revisions. The Commission approved Schedule 48 on October 31, 1996. Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission v. Puget Sound Power & Light Company, Docket No. UE-960696, Commission Order Approving Schedule 48 With Conditions. As the caption to that Order reflects, the Commission imposed conditions. Among those conditions is the following: (1) No Cost Shifting - The revenue difference between Schedule 48 rates and the effective tariff rates that otherwise would be applicable to current Schedules 31, 46, 49, or special contract customers (i.e., lost revenues), shall not be shifted to other customer classes and shall be borne by shareholders until a future Commission determination regarding allocation of costs and cost savings, and then on a prospective basis only. Id. at 5. We emphasize that this condition, along with the others established by the Commission’s Order approving Schedule 48, remains effective. We reiterate, too, the Commission’s understanding that this condition is a “guarantee that other classes will not pay more as a result of Schedule 48.” Id. at 7. The Commission’s Order approving Schedule 48 also relates that one of the key elements of Schedule 48 is that it introduces a new class of non-core service for Puget’s largest customers. These customers would assume risk in both variations in non-firm energy prices and the availability of energy. Id. at 2. The Order also discusses that rates under Schedule 48, including the optional firming rate are “based upon market prices . . ..” Id. at 3. Our approval of the Stipulation and Settlement Agreement here depends in part on our acceptance of the $0.46 per kVa-month optional firming rate as being a rate that reasonably reflects market prices and the parties’ apparent belief that the $0.46 per kVa-month rate is expected to continue to reflect market prices during the effective period of the settlement. Swings in actual market prices in future periods vis-ŕ-vis the $0.46 per kVa-month rate for optional firming, however, may result in lost revenue to PSE, or may result in customers paying more than might be the case in a fully open, competitive market. The respective parties have assumed these risks of market fluctuation under the terms of the Commission’s Order approving Schedule 48 and under this Order approving the Stipulation and Settlement Agreement. We expect both PSE and the Schedule 48 customers to conduct themselves accordingly on a going-forward basis. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission is an agency of the State of Washington, vested by statute with authority to regulate rates, rules, regulations, and practices of public service companies, including electric companies. 2. Puget Sound Energy is engaged in the business of furnishing electric service within the state of Washington as a public service company. 3. The Stipulation and Settlement Agreement establishes rates for optional firming service during various periods that reasonably reflect market prices as required by the Commission’s Order approving Schedule 48, considering recent past and current market conditions, and market conditions anticipated to prevail during the relevant future periods. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. The Commission has jurisdiction over the subject matter and all parties to this proceeding. RCW 80.01.040, Chapter 80.28 RCW. 2. The Stipulation and Settlement Agreement adopted by reference in, and appended to, this Order is in the public interest and represents a full and fair resolution of the pending issues. RCW 80.01.040. 3. The rates, terms, and conditions of service established by the Stipulation and Settlement Agreement adopted by reference in, and appended to, this Order are fair, just, reasonable, and sufficient. RCW 80.28.020. 4. The rates, terms, and conditions of service established by the Stipulation and Settlement Agreement adopted by reference in, and appended to, this Order are neither unjustly discriminatory nor unduly preferential. RCW 80.28.020. ORDER THE COMMISSION ORDERS That the suspension of Puget Sound Energy’s September 28, 1998, filing to adjust the optional firming rate under Schedule 48 for the period November 1, 1998, through October 31, 1999, is lifted. The optional firming rate under Puget Sound Energy’s Schedule 48 for the period November 1, 1998, through October 31, 1999, shall be $0.46 per kVa-month. The optional firming rate under Puget Sound Energy’s Schedule 48 for the period November 1, 1999, through November 30, 1999, also shall be $0.46 per kVa-month. Puget Sound Energy is required to make any tariff filings necessary to effectuate the approved rate for the periods indicated. THE COMMISSION ORDERS FURTHER That the optional firming rate under Puget Sound Energy’s Schedule 48 for the period December 1, 1999, through October 31, 2000, shall be $0.46 per kVa-month. Puget Sound Energy is required to make appropriate tariff filings to effectuate the approved rate for the period December 1, 1999, through October 31, 2000. THE COMMISSION ORDERS FURTHER That Puget Sound Energy shall make such filings as necessary to effectuate all terms and conditions stated in the Stipulation and Settlement Agreement appended to this Order and adopted here by reference. THE COMMISSION ORDERS FURTHER That the parties shall conduct their affairs in accordance with the terms of the Stipulation and Settlement Agreement, which is made part of this Order. DATED at Olympia, Washington, and effective this 30th day of November, 1999. MARILYN SHOWALTER, Chairwoman WILLIAM R. GILLIS, Commissioner NOTICE TO PARTIES: This is a final Order of the Commission. In addition to judicial review, administrative relief may be available through a petition for reconsideration, filed within 10 days of the service of this Order pursuant to RCW 34.05.470 and WAC 480-09-810, or a petition for rehearing pursuant to RCW 80.04.200 or RCW 81.04.200 and WAC 480-09-820(1).