Agenda Date: April 28. 1999 Item Number: Docket: UT-990582 Company Name: Telecommunications Companies-General Rulemaking for the Provisioning of Collocation Facilities Staff: Rebecca Beaton, Regulatory Consultant Glenn Blackmon, Assistant Director-Telecommunications David Griffith, Telecommunications Engineer Bob Wallis, Review Judge Recommendation: Direct the Secretary to file the Preproposal Statement of Inquiry (CR -101) with the code reviser in Docket UT-990582 on the subject of provisioning of collocation facilities. Discussion: On April 14, 1999, the Commission Staff opened Docket UT-990582 to propose a rulemaking on collocation issues. ACI Corp., a facilities-based competitive local exchange company, filed a petition on March 23, 1999, with the Commission in Docket UT-990469 to establish rules for the provisioning of collocation facilities. Commission Staff believes the establishment of standards and procedures for collocation is significant for competition to take place and are good reasons for a rulemaking on this topic. The ACI Corp., petition raises issues that should be addressed if the Commission is to ensure access to collocation space as required by law. The specific language proposed by ACI Corp., needs further work before being filed as a proposed rule (CR-102), as explained in the Staff memo regarding UT-990469. Therefore, Staff proposes the Commission open a rule process on the subject of collocation issues. Carriers need to be able to place equipment in the central offices of incumbent local exchange companies at rates, terms and conditions that are nondiscriminatory. The subject is both timely and important as the FCC recently entered an order (FCC 99-48) relevant to collocation issues and modified the federal rule providing for interconnection. The Commission has addressed collocation in the Commission’s Final Order in Docket UT-960323, et al in September 1998. The Commission needs to establish criteria which is consistent with federal rules and at the same time incorporate prior Commission decisions for all carriers. It is expected that there will be a broad spectrum of interested parties participating in this rule process and participation will be extensive. Staff would recommend study of the issues on collocation and believes there is a good basis for rulemaking. Conclusion: Staff recommends that the Commission direct that a rulemaking process be convened on this topic and that it order the Commission Secretary to file a Preproposal Statement of Inquiry (CR-101) to that effect with the code reviser.