Dockets UT-970545, UT-981074, and UT-981587 February 10, 1999 Page 1 Agenda: February 10, 1999 Item: Dockets: UT-970545, UT-981074, and UT-981587 Company: U S WEST Communications, Inc. Staff: Tim Zawislak, Policy Research Specialist David Dittemore, Utilities Engineer Penny Hansen, Public Involvement Coordinator Glenn Blackmon, Assistant Director - Telecommunications Recommendation: 1. Grant U S WEST Communications an Extension in Dockets UT-970545 and UT-981074 for implementation of the Colville to Hunters route, until December 31, 1999. 2. Permit the U S WEST Communications filing in Docket Number UT-981587 to become effective February 12, 1999, with implementation of the new Extended Area Service (EAS) routes to occur on February 27, 1999, March 27, 1999, and June 19, 1999, as filed. Discussion: On December 18, 1998, U S WEST Communications, Inc. (U S WEST) filed proposed tariff revisions in Docket UT-981587 to comply with the Extended Area Service (EAS) settlement agreement ordered Order Granting Petition for Waiver of Rule, dated September 17, 1998. during the Commission’s rulemaking proceeding in Dockets UT-970545 Docket UT-970545 is the Commission’s recent rulemaking which addresses minimum local calling areas. and UT-981074 Docket UT-981074 is WITA, et al.’s, petition for waiver of the old EAS rule.. U S WEST, the state’s largest and most prominent local exchange carrier, is instrumental in completing and provisioning most of the two-way EAS routes agreed to. As a party to the settlement agreement, U S WEST also has exchange areas which require expanded local calling to meet community needs. A comprehensive list of the exchanges involved and associated implementation dates is included as Attachment 1 (which is a copy of U S WEST’s cover letter). The proposed timing of U S WEST’s filing is consistent with the terms of the settlement agreement, with the exception of the requested extension waiver regarding the Colville to Hunters EAS route. By letter dated, February 4, 1999, U S WEST requested an extension based on the lack of facility availability through U S WEST’s Colville central office, at this time. The facilities are required to keep the grade of service within satisfactory limits (ie. 1% blocking), as the level of traffic increases due to the removal of toll charges. It is expected that CenturyTel of Washington and U S WEST will be able to implement the deferred route(s) by no later than December 31, 1999. U S WEST has already secured cost recovery for the provision of its connecting areas through its filing approved on November 25, 1998, in Docket UT-981317. Customer rates will not be impacted as a result of these routes due to U S WEST’ s previous cost recovery filing. Customer Comments: The Commission has received no written comments regarding U S WEST’s filing since the company hasn’t notified customers because there is no rate impact. Generally, staff expects customers to be pleased when they become aware of a larger local calling area with no local rate increase attached. Conclusion: Staff supports U S WEST’s new EAS routes because they comply with the settlement agreement and address situations where a strong community of interest has been demonstrated while keeping rates comparable and equitable across all of the company’s service territory. The EAS routes will remedy exchange-wide problems that cause hardships by alleviating the need for the majority of subscribers to make daily toll calls to communicate within their local community. Therefore, Staff recommends that the Commission permit this filing and grant the associated waiver request. Attachment