BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION In the matter of the request of ) Docket UE-981107 THE WASHINGTON WATER POWER COMPANY ) for an order establishing compliance ) ORDER with RCW 80.08.040 ) On August 18, 1998, The Washington Water Power Company (“Applicant”) filed its application before the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (“Commission”) in this matter for an order establishing compliance with RCW 80.08.040. Background The Applicant seeks Commission affirmation that the requirements of RCW 80.08 are met for the following securities transaction: To exchange up to and including 20,000,000 shares of Common Stock for Depositary Shares. Each Depositary Share will constitute a one-tenth interest in one share of Preferred Stock, Convertible Series L. The exchange will be conditional upon at least 6,000,000 shares of Common Stock being tendered for exchange. If more than 20,000,000 Common Shares are validly tendered and not withdrawn pursuant to the Exchange Offer, the Company will accept such shares for exchange on a pro rata basis. The shares of Preferred Stock will be deposited with The Bank of New York, as Preferred Stock Depositary, and each Depositary Share will entitle the owner to all of the proportionate rights, preferences and privileges of the Preferred Stock represented thereby. Dividends on the Preferred Stock are cumulative and will accrue at the rate of $12.40 per annum, payable quarterly in arrears in cash on or before the 15th day of each March, June, September and December, commencing December 15, 1998. The proportionate annual dividend rate for each Depositary Share will be $1.24 per share, and dividends will be payable on the Depositary Shares as, when and if paid on the Preferred Stock. Each share of Preferred Stock will have a liquidation preference to ten times the fair market value per share of the Common Stock on or about the date of issuance, plus accrued and unpaid dividends. The proportionate liquidation preference of each Depositary Share will be one-tenth of this amount. On or about November 1, 2001, (the “Mandatory Conversion Date”) each of the outstanding shares of Preferred Stock will be mandatorily converted by the Company into (i) ten Common Share, subject to certain antidilution adjustments, and (ii) the right to receive a cash amount equal to all accrued but unpaid dividends thereon. The shares of Preferred Stock may be converted, at the option of the Company, at any time on or after December 15, 1998, and prior to the Mandatory Conversion Date, in whole or in part from time to time, into, for each share so converted (1) a number of Common Shares equal to the Optional Conversion Price (as defined below) then in effect plus (2) the right to receive an amount, in cash, equal to the accrued and unpaid dividend thereon to the conversion date plus (3) the right to receive the Optional Conversion Premium (as Hereinafter defined). DOCKET UE-981107 Page 1 The “Optional Conversion Price” means, for each share of Preferred Stock converted at the option of the Company, a number of shares of Common Stock equal to the lesser of (a) an amount determined as a percentage, ranging from 110% to 130%, of an amount equal to ten times the current market price per share of the Common Stock before the commencement of the Exchange Offer divided by the Current Market Price as of the close of business on the second trading day immediately preceding the day on which the Company gives notice of optional conversion and (b) ten shares of Common Stock, subject to antidilution adjustment. The “Optional Conversion Premium” means, for each share of Preferred Stock converted at the option of the Company, an amount, in cash, initially equal to $20.90, declining by $0.02111 for each day following December 15, 1998, to and including the optional conversion date (computed on the basis of a 360-day year consisting of twelve 30-day months) and equal to zero on and after September 15, 2001; provided, however, that in lieu of delivering such amount in cash, the Company may, at its option, deliver a number of Common Shares equal to the quotient of such amount divided by the Current Market Price on the second trading day immediately preceding the day in which the Company gives notice of such conversion. The initial Optional Conversion Premium of $20.90 represents the difference between the annual dividend of $12.40 on each share of New Preferred Stock and an assumed annual dividend of $4.80 for ten Common Shares for the period after December 15, 1998, through September 15, 2001 (i.e. $1.90 per quarter for eleven quarters). The premium declines to zero on September 15, 2001: no premium will be paid on or after September 15, 2001. Dividends will accrue on the Preferred Stock through the conversion date. A holder of Preferred Stock (or of Depositary Shares) will not be entitled to vote on matters voted upon by the common shareholder of the Company. Holders of Preferred Stock have certain additional voting rights exercisable together with all the other holders of each other series of preferred stock of the Company, including certain rights to elect directors during the default of payment of dividends for six consecutive quarters. FINDINGS THE COMMISSION FINDS: 1. The Washington Water Power Company, a Washington corporation, is a public service company subject to the jurisdiction of this Commission under the provisions of Chapter 80.08 RCW. 2.2. As to form, the application herein meets the requirements of Chapter 80.08 RCW and the rules and regulations of the Commission adopted pursuant thereto. 3. The Company’s application in this Docket contains (a) a description of the purposes for which the proposed securities will be issued along with certification by an authorized officer that the proceeds from this financing will be used for the purposes allowed by Chapter 80.08 RCW; (b) a description of the proposed issuance, including the terms of financing; and (c) a statement as to why the proposed transactions are in the public interest. 4. An order consistent with the above findings should be entered. ORDER THE COMMISSION ORDERS: 1. The Washington Water Power Company has complied with the requirements of RCW 80.08.040. 2. The Washington Water Power Company will file, as soon as available: a. The Report of Securities Issued required by WAC 480-146-230. b. Verified copies of any agreement entered into in connection with any transaction pursuant to this order. 3. This order shall in no way affect the authority of this Commission over rates, service, accounts, valuations, estimates or determination of costs, or any matters whatsoever that may come before it, nor shall anything herein be construed as an acquiescence in any estimate or determination of costs, or any valuation of property claimed or asserted. DATED at Olympia, Washington, and effective this 23rd day of September, 1998. WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION CAROLE J. WASHBURN Secretary