EXPEDITED REPEAL-- PREPROPOSAL STATEMENT OF INQUIRY (RCW 34.05.354) CR-101XR (6/11/98) USE ONLY FOR EXPEDITED REPEAL Agency: WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION List of sections proposed for expedited repeal: chapter 480-63 WAC (Railroad Companies - Weighing) Rules proposed for expedited repeal must meet one of more of the following criteria (check all that apply): X Statute on which the rule was based has been repealed and has not been replaced by another statute providing statutory authority for the rule. _ Statute on which the rule was based has been declared unconstitutional by a court with jurisdiction, there is a final judgement, and no statute has been enacted to replace the unconstitutional statute. _ Rule is no longer necessary because of changed circumstances. _ Other rules of the agency or of another agency govern the same activity as the rule, making the rule redundant. Any person who objects to the rule must file a written objection to the repeal within thirty days after publication of this preproposal statement of inquiry. Address your objection to: Secretary Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission P. O. Box 47250 Olympia, WA 98504-7250 360-664-1174 Please reference Docket No. TR-980079 on all correspondence. Explanation of the reasons the agency believes the expedited repeal of the rule is appropriate: The legislature has transferred responsibilities for track scales and for weighing to another agency. The Commission no longer has jurisdiction over the subject matter of these rules. Name (Type or Print) CAROLE J. WASHBURN CODE REVISER USE ONLY Signature Title SECRETARY Date